Single Idea 8198

[catalogued under 7. Existence / B. Change in Existence / 1. Nature of Change]

Full Idea

The idea of 'Cambridge Change' is like saying 'the landscape changes as you travel east'.

Gist of Idea

A 'Cambridge Change' is like saying 'the landscape changes as you travel east'


Michael Dummett (Truth and the Past [2001], 5)

Book Reference

Dummett,Michael: 'Truth and the Past (Dewey Lectures)' [Columbia 2004], p.87

A Reaction

The phrase was coined in Oxford. It is a useful label with which realists can insult solipsists, idealists and other riff-raff. Four Dimensionalists seem to see time in this way. Events sit there, and we travel past them. But there are indexical events.