Single Idea 8362

[catalogued under 26. Natural Theory / C. Causation / 8. Particular Causation / a. Observation of causation]

Full Idea

What confers on observed regularities the character of causal or nomic connections is the possibility of subjecting cause-factors to experimental test by interfering with the 'natural' course of events.


'Nomic' mean lawlike

Gist of Idea

We give regularities a causal character by subjecting them to experiment


G.H. von Wright (Logic and Epistemology of Causal Relations [1973], §7)

Book Reference

'Causation', ed/tr. Sosa,E. /Tooley,M. [OUP 1993], p.117

A Reaction

This is von Wright's distinctive proposal, making causation a feature of the culture of science, rather than of ordinary life. But see Idea 2461. Causation is becoming too epistemological for my taste. Either it is a feature of reality, or forget it.

Related Idea

Idea 2461 An experiment is a deliberate version of what informal thinking does all the time [Fodor]