Single Idea 9373

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / A. A Priori Knowledge / 8. A Priori as Analytic]

Full Idea

The analytic theory of the apriority of logic arose indirectly, as a by-product of the attempt to explain in what a grasp of the meaning of the logical constants consists.

Gist of Idea

That logic is a priori because it is analytic resulted from explaining the meaning of logical constants


Paul Boghossian (Analyticity Reconsidered [1996], §III)

Book Reference

-: 'Nous' [-], p.11

A Reaction

Preumably he is referring to Wittgenstein's anguish over the meaning of the word 'not' in his World War I notebooks. He first defined the constants by truth tables, then asserted that they were purely conventional - so logic is conventional.