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23. Ethics / F. Existentialism / 2. Nihilism

[human life seems pointless and absurd]

20 ideas
Jacobi was the first philosopher to talk of nihilism [Jacobi, by Critchley]
     Full Idea: Jacobi was the first to philosophically employ the concept of nihilism.
     From: report of Friedrich Jacobi (Letters to Fichte [1799]) by Simon Critchley - Continental Philosophy - V. Short Intro Ch.2
     A reaction: Critchley explains that it was Jacobi's fear that Fichte was drawing nihilist conclusions from Kant's philosophy. This fear may be seen as the beginning of what is loosely called 'continental philosophy'. A worthy subject for thinkers...
For me time stands still, and I with it [Kierkegaard, by Carlisle]
     Full Idea: Time flows, life is a stream, people say, and so on. I do not notice it. Time stands still, and I with it.
     From: report of Søren Kierkegaard (Either/Or: a fragment of life [1843], I:26) by Clare Carlisle - Kierkegaard: a guide for the perplexed 3
     A reaction: This is from the spokesman for the aesthetic option in life, which is largely pleasure-seeking. No real choices ever occur.
For the strongest people, nihilism gives you wings! [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: In the hands of the strongest every kind of pessimism and nihilism becomes only one more hammer and tool with which one mounts a new pair of wings on oneself.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Unpublished Notebooks 1885-86 [1886], 2[101])
     A reaction: Not sure how this works. Why is great strength needed? Strength implies forceful overcoming. The wings come from rejecting nihilism, but why does that need strength? Aren't there people with wings who never even thought of nihilism?
The ethical teacher exists to give purpose to what happens necessarily and without purpose [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: That what happens necessarily, spontaneously and without any purpose, may henceforth appear to be done for some purpose, and strike man as rational and an ultimate commandment, the ethical teacher comes on stage, as teacher of the purpose of existence.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (The Gay (Joyful) Science [1882], §001)
     A reaction: This doesn't look like much of a solution to the problem of nihilism, unless the teacher plants an idea in us which endures and grows. Nietzsche's 'eternal recurrence' was supposed to be just such an idea.
Modern nihilism is now feeling tired of mankind [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: The sight of man now makes us tired - what is nihilism today if it is not that? …We are tired of man…
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (On the Genealogy of Morals [1887], I.§12)
     A reaction: That is close to Hume's nihilist, who would destroy the world to protect his own finger from a scratch. The actor George Sanders committed suicide because he was bored. Don't ever think that Nietzsche was a nihilist, just because he mentions it a lot!
Nihilism results from measuring the world by our categories which are purely invented [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: Belief in the categories of reason is the cause of nihilism - we have measured the value of the world against categories that refer to a purely invented world.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Writings from Late Notebooks [1887], 11[99])
     A reaction: What a remarkable thought! He will have Kant especially in mind. The implication is that we might avoid nihilism by creating more accurate categories, but Nietzsche thinks that is impossible (Ideas 7174, 7175). Nihilism is our fate.
My eternal recurrence is opposed to feeling fragmented and imperfect [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: I held up eternal recurrence against the numbing feeling of general disintegration and imperfection.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Unpublished Notebooks 1882-84 [1883], 24[28])
     A reaction: I've heard people say that they think Nietzsche was a nihilist. This is nonsense. His whole career was an opposition to nihilism. His excitement over the idea of recurrence is that he sees a real answer to nihilism. You have to value a recurring life.
Initially nihilism was cosmic, but later Nietzsche saw it as a cultural matter [Nietzsche, by Ansell Pearson]
     Full Idea: Nietzsche's first presentation of nihilism is an existential affair arising from cosmic problems, but he later stressed nihilism as a historical and cultural problem of values, where mankind's highest values reach a point of devaluation.
     From: report of Friedrich Nietzsche (Works (refs to 8 vol Colli and Montinari) [1885]) by Keith Ansell Pearson - How to Read Nietzsche Ch.1
     A reaction: The second version seems to imply a quasi-Marxist determinism about social progress. Then you would have to ask, what is the point of fighting against it? I wonder if Nietzsche's values are anti-nihilist, but his metaethics makes nihilism unavoidable?
Nietzsche urges that nihilism be active, and will nothing itself [Nietzsche, by Zizek]
     Full Idea: Nietzsche opposes active to passive nihilism - it is better to actively will nothing itself than not to will anything.
     From: report of Friedrich Nietzsche (Works (refs to 8 vol Colli and Montinari) [1885]) by Slavoj Zizek - Conversations, with Glyn Daly §3
     A reaction: To 'actively will nothing' sounds to me indistinguishable from suicide, which I don't believe was ever on Nietzsche's agenda. It is hard, though, to disentangle Nietzsche's attitude to nihilism.
The greatest experience possible is contempt for your own happiness, reason and virtue [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: What is the greatest thing you can experience? It is the hour of the great contempt. The hour in which even your happiness grows loathsome to you, and your reason and your virtue also.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Thus Spake Zarathustra [1884], 1.01)
     A reaction: This would be a transient state for Nietzsche, in which you realise the hollowness of those traditional ideas, and begin to seek something else.
It is absurd to say that evil proves life is worthless. If it were, why would evil matter? [Weil]
     Full Idea: To say that the world is not worth anything, that this life is of no value and to give evil as the proof is absurd, for if these things are worthless what does evil take from us?
     From: Simone Weil (Gravity and Grace [1942], 'Affliction')
     A reaction: It is certainly the case that a thoroughgoing nihilist must believe that evil and suffering are also of no importance - which is quite a tought thing to achieve.
The pointlessness of our motives and irrelevance of our gestures reveals our vacuity [Cioran]
     Full Idea: When we realise that no human motive is compatible with infinity, and that no gesture is worth the trouble of making it, our heart, by its very beating, can no longer conceal its vacuity.
     From: E.M. Cioran (A Short History of Decay [1949], 1 'Disintoxication')
     A reaction: An interesting choice of reasons. Nihilism in comparison with infinity, and in comparison with the vastness of society? If you were immortal, and there were only fifty other humans, would that help?
Evidence suggests that humans do not have a purpose [Cioran]
     Full Idea: By all evidence, we are in the world to do nothing.
     From: E.M. Cioran (A Short History of Decay [1949], 1 'Militant')
     A reaction: I'm not clear what evidence there could be. Other animals are all enmeshed in a particular environment. As soon as homo sapiens left Africa, it became a baffling phenonomen. I'm not sure what an alligator is in the world for, either.
The universe is dirty and fragile, as if a scandal in nothingness had produced its matter [Cioran]
     Full Idea: Everything which is done and undone in the universe bears the stamp of a filthy fragility, as if matter were the fruit of a scandal at the core of nothingness.
     From: E.M. Cioran (A Short History of Decay [1949], 1 'The Reactionary')
     A reaction: A gloriously imagined idea, worthy of Shakespeare. By 'scandal' I suppose he implies that the universe is the bastard child of a horrible relationship. A prize exhibit for my 'Nihilism' collection. True nihilists, of course, don't write books.
If we believe existence is absurd, this should dictate our conduct [Camus]
     Full Idea: What a man believes to be true must determine his action. Belief in the absurdity of existence must then dictate his conduct.
     From: Albert Camus (The Myth of Sisyphus [1942], 'Abs and Suic')
     A reaction: It is intriguing to speculate what the appropriate conduct is. Presumably it is wild existential gestures, like sticking a knife through your hand. Suicide will be an obvious temptation. But bourgeois life might be equally appropriate.
Happiness and the absurd go together, each leading to the other [Camus]
     Full Idea: Happiness and the absurd are two sons of the same earth; they are inseparable; it would be a mistake to say that happiness necessarily springs from the absurd discovery; it happens as well that the feeling of the absurd springs from happiness.
     From: Albert Camus (The Myth of Sisyphus [1942], p.110)
     A reaction: I'm not sure that I understand this, but I understand the experience of absurdity, and I can see that somehow one feels a bit more alive when one acknowledges the absurdity of it all. Meta-meta-thought is the highest form of human life, I say.
'Absurdity' is just the result of our wrong choices in life [Solomon]
     Full Idea: The 'absurdity of life' is nothing than our own unsatisfactory choices, typically of defensiveness and resentment, competition, and 'meaningless' routines.
     From: Robert C. Solomon (The Passions [1976], Pref)
     A reaction: He seems to have Camus particularly in mind. He sees love and co-operation as the cure. I sort of agree, but somewhere in all of our minds there lurks an abyss, with the good life looking like a distraction from it.
If a small brief life is absurd, then so is a long and large one [Nagel]
     Full Idea: If life is absurd because it only lasts seventy years, wouldn't it be infinitely absurd if it lasted for eternity? And if we are absurd because we are small, would we be any less absurd if we filled the universe?
     From: Thomas Nagel (The Absurd [1971], §1)
Life is only absurd if you expected an explanation and none turns up [Graham]
     Full Idea: If 'life is absurd' just means 'there is no logical explanation for human existence', we have no reason for anguish, unless we think there should be such an explanation.
     From: Gordon Graham (Eight Theories of Ethics [2004], Ch.5)
     A reaction: This is aimed at Kierkegaard and Camus. 'Absurd' certainly seems to be a relative notion, and we have nothing to compare life with. However, life does strike us as a bit odd sometimes, don't you think?
Perceiving meaninglessness is an achievement, which can transform daily life [Critchley]
     Full Idea: If nihilism is the threat of the collapse of meaning, then my position is that one has to accept meaninglessness as an achievement, as an accomplishment that permits a transformed relation to everyday life.
     From: Simon Critchley (Interview with Baggini and Stangroom [2001], p.193)
     A reaction: This sounds cheerfully upbeat and life-enhancing, but I don't quite see how it works. One could easily end up laughing at the most appalling tragedies, and that seems to me to be an inappropriate (Aristotelian word) way to respond to tragedy.