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23. Ethics / C. Virtue Theory / 1. Virtue Theory / d. Virtue theory critique

[reasons against virtue theory]

20 ideas
Aristotle neglects the place of rules in the mature virtuous person [Annas on Aristotle]
Greeks elevate virtues enormously, but never explain them [Descartes]
Kant thinks virtue becomes passive, and hence morally unaccountable [Kant, by Annas]
When aristocracy or the bourgeoisie dominate, certain values dominate with them [Marx/Engels]
Virtues must be highly personal; if not, it is merely respect for a concept [Nietzsche]
Virtue has been greatly harmed by the boringness of its advocates [Nietzsche]
After Socrates virtue is misunderstood, as good for all, not for individuals [Nietzsche]
Many virtues are harmful traps, but that is why other people praise them [Nietzsche]
You are mastered by your own virtues, but you must master them, and turn them into tools [Nietzsche]
Virtue is wasteful, as it reduces us all to being one another's nurse [Nietzsche]
Virtue for everyone removes its charm of being exceptional and aristocratic [Nietzsche]
Nietzsche thought our psychology means there can't be universal human virtues [Nietzsche, by Foot]
Virtues won't generate an obligation, so it isn't a basis for morality [Prichard]
Good and bad are a matter of actions, not of internal dispositions [Foot]
To explain generosity in a person, you must understand a generous action [Dummett]
Virtue is secondary to a role-figure, defined within a culture [MacIntyre, by Statman]
Virtue theory needs an external standard to judge behaviour and character [Inwagen, by Statman]
Virtue ethics is open to the objection that it fails to show priority among the virtues [Hursthouse]
Virtue theory isn't a genuine ethical theory, because it doesn't have universal application [Statman]
Promises create moral duties that have nothing to do with character [Statman]