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8. Modes of Existence / B. Properties / 7. Emergent Properties

[new properties only found at higher levels of existence]

14 ideas
Some properties depend on components, others on their relations [Searle]
     Full Idea: Some system features cannot be figured out just from the composition of the elements of the system and environmental relations; they have to be explained in terms of causal relations among the elements.
     From: John Searle (The Rediscovery of the Mind [1992], Ch. 5.I)
     A reaction: One must explain at the molecular level why an apple skin is both red and smooth. In the brain one must explain the movement of glucose and the contents of thoughts by their causal relations (I say).
Fully 'emergent' properties contradict our whole theory of causation [Searle]
     Full Idea: The existence of any fully 'emergent' properties (that have a life of their own) violates even the weakest principle of the transitivity of causation.
     From: John Searle (The Rediscovery of the Mind [1992], Ch. 5.I)
     A reaction: When Searle talks like this, he sounds like a thoroughgoing reductive physicalist (but is he really?). Any philosopher of mind who uses the word 'emergence' must say EXACTLY what they mean by it.
Properties can have causal powers lacked by their constituents [Kim]
     Full Idea: Macroproperties can, and in general do, have their own causal powers, powers that go beyond the causal powers of their microconstituents.
     From: Jaegwon Kim (Mind in a Physical World [1998], §3 p.085)
     A reaction: I don't see why the macro-powers 'go beyond' the sum of the micro-powers. Admittedly one molecule can't be slippery, but slipperiness can be totally reduced to molecule behaviour.
Emergent properties appear at high levels of complexity, but aren't explainable by the lower levels [Nagel]
     Full Idea: The supposition that a diamond or organism should truly have emergent properties is that they appear at certain complex levels of organisation, but are not explainable (even in principle) in terms of any more fundamental properties of the system.
     From: Thomas Nagel (Panpsychism [1979], p.186)
Is weight a 'resultant' property of water, but transparency an 'emergent' property? [Kim]
     Full Idea: Emergent properties are said to be irreducible to, and unpredictable from, the lower-level phenomena from which they emerge (as weight is a 'resultant' property, but the transparency of water is an 'emergent' property).
     From: Jaegwon Kim (Philosophy of Mind [1996], p.228)
     A reaction: So weight is predictable, but transparency is a surprise? But presumably the transparency of water is totally predictable, once you understand it. Emergent properties are either dualist or reducible, in my view.
Emergent properties are 'brute facts' (inexplicable), but still cause things [Kim]
     Full Idea: For the emergentist why pain emerges when C-fibres are excited remains a mystery (a 'brute fact'), but such properties then take on a life of their own as 'downward causation'.
     From: Jaegwon Kim (Philosophy of Mind [1996], p.229)
     A reaction: I don't think there are any 'brute facts', except perhaps at the lowest level of physics. Whatever happened to the principle of sufficient reason? Is the mind like God - a causal source which is uncaused?
The world is full of messy small things producing stable large-scale properties (e.g. mountains) [Fodor]
     Full Idea: Damn near everything we know about the world (e.g. a mountain) suggests that unimaginably complicated to-ings and fro-ings of bits and pieces at the extreme microlevel manage somehow to converge on stable macrolevel properties.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (In a Critical Condition [2000], Ch. 2)
     A reaction: This is clearly true, and is a vital part of the physicalist picture of the mind. Personally I prefer the word 'processes' to 'properties', since no one seems to really know what a property is. A process is an abstraction from events.
The distinction between 'resultant' properties (weight) and 'emergent' properties is a bit vague [Crane]
     Full Idea: The distinction between 'resultant' properties like weight, and 'emergent' properties like colour, seems intuitive enough, but on examination it is very hard to make precise.
     From: Tim Crane (Elements of Mind [2001], 2.18)
     A reaction: It is no coincidence that the examples are of primary and secondary qualities. If 'the physical entails the mental' then all mental properties are resultant.
If mental properties are emergent they add a new type of causation, and physics is not complete [Crane]
     Full Idea: Whatever the causal process is, it remains true that if emergentism is true, the completeness of physics is false; there are some effects which would not have come about if mental things were absent from the world.
     From: Tim Crane (Elements of Mind [2001], 2.18)
     A reaction: Emergentism looks to me like an incoherent concept, unless it is another word for dualism.
Complex properties are just arrangements of simple properties; they do not "emerge" as separate [Heil]
     Full Idea: Complex properties do not "emerge"; they are nothing "over and above" the properties of the simple constituents duly arranged.
     From: John Heil (Philosophy of Mind [1998], Ch.6)
     A reaction: I am glad to see someone challenging the concept of 'emergence', which strikes me as incoherent. Small properties add up to macro-properties (like 'steep', or 'square').
Complex properties are not new properties, they are merely new combinations of properties [Heil]
     Full Idea: New combinations of properties are just that: new combinations, not new properties. (This is not to reject complex properties, but only to reaffirm that complex properties are nothing over and above their constituents suitably arranged).
     From: John Heil (Philosophy of Mind [1998], Ch.6)
     A reaction: I wish I could be so confidence, but no one seems quite sure what a property is. Are they defined causally, or as 'qualities'? If the latter, what is a quality? Are there basic properties? Can properties merge to form a new one?
Emergent properties will need emergent substances to bear them [Heil]
     Full Idea: If you are going to have emergent fundamental properties, you are going to need emergent fundamental substances as bearers of those properties.
     From: John Heil (The Universe as We Find It [2012], 02.6)
     A reaction: Presumably the theory of emergent properties (which I take to be nonsense, in its hardcore form) says that the substance is unchanged, but the property is new. Or else the bundle gives collective birth to a new member. Search me.
A lead molecule is not leaden, and macroscopic properties need not be microscopically present [Mumford]
     Full Idea: Though lead is said to be composed of molecules of lead, these molecules are not leaden in the everyday sense of the word. This suggests that a property need not be present at the microscopic level in order to be present at the macroscopic level.
     From: Stephen Mumford (Dispositions [1998], 02.3)
     A reaction: [He quotes Joske] This strikes me as a key principle to grasp about properties. One H2O molecule is not water, any more than a brick is a house! Nearly all properties (or all?) are 'emergent' (in the sensible, non-mystical use of that word).
Weak emergence is just unexpected, and strong emergence is beyond all deduction [Mumford/Anjum]
     Full Idea: We can say that a phenomenon is 'weakly emergent' when it is unexpected, and 'strongly emergent' when it is not deducible even in principle.
     From: S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum (Getting Causes from Powers [2011], 4.3)
     A reaction: [compression of Chalmers 2006:244] I don't find emergence very interesting, since weak emergence surrounds us all day long, and is the glory of the world, and strong emergence is (I believe) nonsense.