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9. Objects / E. Objects over Time / 4. Four-Dimensionalism

[objects extend in both space and time]

24 ideas
Surely the past phases of a thing are not parts of the thing? [Broad]
     Full Idea: It is plainly contrary to common sense to say that the phases in the history of a thing are parts of the thing.
     From: C.D. Broad (Examination of McTaggart's Philosophy [1933], I.349-50), quoted by Richard Cartwright - Scattered Objects n18
     A reaction: Nicely expressed! To suggest that me ten years ago is a mere part of some huge me, or that you are only talking to a part of me now, is a very long way indeed from normal usage.
A thing is simply a long event, linked by qualities, and spatio-temporal unity [Broad]
     Full Idea: A thing is simply a long event, throughout the course of which there is either qualitative similarity or continuous qualitative change, together with a characteristic spatio-temporal unity.
     From: C.D. Broad (Scientific Thought [1923], 10 'Duration')
     A reaction: At least he is trying to give some sort of principle that links the stages of the event together.
If short-lived happenings like car crashes are 'events', why not long-lived events like Dover Cliffs? [Broad]
     Full Idea: We call a lightning flash or a motor accident an event, but refuse to apply this to the cliffs of Dover. ...But quantitative differences (of time) give no good grounds for calling one bit of history an event, and refusing the name to another bit.
     From: C.D. Broad (Scientific Thought [1923], p.54), quoted by David Wiggins - Sameness and Substance Renewed 2.3 n13
     A reaction: Wiggins calls this proposal a 'terrible absurdity', but it seems to me to demand attention. There is a case to be made for a 'process' to be the fundamental category of our ontology, with stable physical objects seen in that light.
Four-d objects helps predication of what no longer exists, and quantification over items from different times [Quine]
     Full Idea: The four-dimensional view of objects aids relativity, and the grammar of tenses, but in logic it makes sense of applying a predicate to something that no longer exists, or of quantifying over objects that never coexisted at any one time.
     From: Willard Quine (Philosophy of Logic [1970], Ch.2)
     A reaction: Since you can predicate of or quantify over hypothetical or fictional objects ('Hamlet is gloomy', 'phlogiston explained fire quite well', 'peace and quiet would be nice') I don't see the necessity for this bold ontological commitment, on these grounds.
If things are successive instantaneous events, nothing requires those events to resemble one another [Harré/Madden]
     Full Idea: If events are instantaneous time-slices of a physical thing, the persistence of the pattern is an inexplicable fact in that there is no requirement for the successive time-slices to bear any resemblance to the event previously occurring at that place.
     From: Harré,R./Madden,E.H. (Causal Powers [1975], 6.IV)
     A reaction: The Humean four-dimensional view doesn't seem to require an explanation of this (or of much else), and takes it as a brute fact that slices resemble. Something has to be a brute fact, I suppose.
It is easier to go from horses to horse-stages than from horse-stages to horses [Wiggins]
     Full Idea: If horse-stages made sense at all, it would be easier to go from horses to horse-stages than to go from horse-stages to horses.
     From: David Wiggins (Sameness and Substance Renewed [2001], 6.9)
     A reaction: A nice remark, analogous to 'it is easier to break a vase than to mend it'. Going from horse-stages to horses is the classic difficulty for 'bundle theories' (of objects, or persons): what is it that unites the bundle?
I could have died at five, but the summation of my adult stages could not [Noonan]
     Full Idea: Persons have different modal properties from the summations of person-stages. …I might have died when I was five. But the maximal summation of person-stages which perdurantists say is me could not have had a temporal extent of a mere five years.
     From: Harold Noonan (Identity [2009], §5)
     A reaction: Thus the summation of stages seems to fail Leibniz's Law, since truths about a part are not true of the whole. But my foot might be amputated without me being amputated. The objection is the fallacy of composition?
4-D says things are stretched in space and in time, and not entire at a time or at a location [Fine,K]
     Full Idea: Four-dimensionalists have thought that a material thing is as equally 'stretched out' in time as it is in space, and that there is no special way in which it is entirely present at a moment rather than at a position.
     From: Kit Fine (In Defence of Three-Dimensionalism [2006], p.1)
     A reaction: Compare his definition of 3-D in Idea 12295. The 4-D is contrary to our normal way of thinking. Since I don't think the future exists, I presume that if I am a 4-D object then I have to say that I don't yet exist, and I disapprove of such talk.
You can ask when the wedding was, but not (usually) when the bride was [Fine,K, by Simons]
     Full Idea: Fine says it is acceptable to ask when a wedding was and where it was, and it is acceptable to ask or state where the bride was (at a certain time), but not when she was.
     From: report of Kit Fine (In Defence of Three-Dimensionalism [2006], p.18) by Peter Simons - Modes of Extension: comment on Fine p.18
     A reaction: This is aimed at three-dimensionalists who seem to think that a bride is a prolonged event, just as a wedding is. Fine is, interestingly, invoking ordinary language. When did the wedding start and end? When was the bride's birth and death?
4D: time is space-like; a thing is its history; past and future are real; or things extend in time [Gallois]
     Full Idea: We have four versions of Four-Dimensionalism: the relativistic view that time is space-like; a persisting thing is identical with its history (so objects are events); past and future are equally real; or (Lewis) things extend in time, with temporal parts.
     From: André Gallois (Identity over Time [2011], §2.5)
     A reaction: Broad proposed the second one. I prefer 3-D: at any given time a thing is wholly present. At another time it is wholly present despite having changed. It is ridiculous to think that small changes destroy identity. We acquire identity by dying??
How can you identify temporal parts of tomatoes without referring to tomatoes? [Lowe]
     Full Idea: The temporal parts approach to identity appears to be viciously circular, for how are the 'temporal parts' of tomatoes to be individuated and identified save by reference to the very tomatoes of which they are parts?
     From: E.J. Lowe (The Possibility of Metaphysics [1998], 5.3)
     A reaction: (This attacks the 'perdurance' view - Idea 8271) Something wrong here. Isn't Lowe begging the question, by assuming that a tomato at an instant IS the tomato? To know what a tomato is, you must spend time with it.
Four-dimensionalists assert 'temporal parts', 'perduring', and being spread out over time [Sider]
     Full Idea: Four-dimensionalists say that things have 'temporal parts', that they 'perdure', and that they are spread out over time.
     From: Theodore Sider (Four Dimensionalism [2001], 3)
4D says intrinsic change is difference between successive parts [Sider]
     Full Idea: For four-dimensionalists intrinsic change is difference between successive temporal parts.
     From: Theodore Sider (Four Dimensionalism [2001], 3.2)
     A reaction: This attempts a reply to the commonest criticism of four-dimensionalism - that you can't explain change if you don't have one enduring thing which undergoes the change. I get stuck of the question 'how big (temporally) is a part?'.
4D says each spatiotemporal object must have a temporal part at every moment at which it exists [Sider]
     Full Idea: Four-dimensionalism may be formulated as the claim that, necessarily, each spatiotemporal object has a temporal part at every moment at which it exists.
     From: Theodore Sider (Four Dimensionalism [2001], 3.2)
     A reaction: If there were tiny quantum gaps between temporal parts, that would presumably ruin the story. On this view an object has to be a 'worm', to be the thing which has the parts.
Perdurance needs an atemporal perspective, to say that the object 'has' different temporal parts [Hawley]
     Full Idea: Perdurance relies on our having an 'atemporal' perspective from which we can truly say a banana has both yellow and green parts, where this 'has' is not in the present tense. ..Perdurance theory cannot be expressed straightforwardly in the present tense.
     From: Katherine Hawley (How Things Persist [2001], 1.2)
     A reaction: This seems to require the tenseless B-series view of time. It seems to need a tenseless view of the past, but what does it have to say about the future?
How does perdurance theory explain our concern for our own future selves? [Hawley]
     Full Idea: A question for perdurance theory is whether it can account for the special concern we feel for our own future selves.
     From: Katherine Hawley (How Things Persist [2001], 1.8)
     A reaction: That is one of those questions that begins to look very mysterious whatever your theory. I favour endurantism, but me next year looks a very remote person for me to be concerned about, in comparison with the people around me now.
If an object is the sum of all of its temporal parts, its mass is staggeringly large! [Hawley]
     Full Idea: The mass of an object is the sum of its nonoverlapping parts. Analogy would suggest that a persisting banana has, atemporally speaking, a mass that is the sum of all the masses of the 100g temporal parts, a worryingly large figure.
     From: Katherine Hawley (How Things Persist [2001], 2.1)
     A reaction: This is an objection to the Perdurance view that an object is the sum of all of its temporal parts. Their duration tends towards instantaneous, so the aggregate mass tends towards infinity. She says they should deny atemporal mass.
Perdurance says things are sums of stages; Stage Theory says each stage is the thing [Hawley]
     Full Idea: According to Perdurance Theory, it is long-lived sums of stages which are tennis balls, whereas according to Stage Theory, it is the stages themselves which are tennis balls.
     From: Katherine Hawley (How Things Persist [2001], 2.2)
     A reaction: These seem to be the two options if you are a four-dimensionalist, though Fine says you could be a weird three-dimensionalist and choose stage theory.
If a life is essentially the sum of its temporal parts, it couldn't be shorter or longer than it was? [Hawley]
     Full Idea: It seems that perdurance theory should identify Descartes with the sum of his temporal parts, but that means Descartes essentially lived for 54 years, which seems absurd, as he could have lived longer or less long than he in fact did.
     From: Katherine Hawley (How Things Persist [2001], 6.10)
     A reaction: [She credits Van Inwagen with this] I'm not clear why a counterpart of Descartes could not have a shorter or longer sum of parts, and still be Descartes. If the sum is rigidly designated, that is a problem for endurance too.
Four dimensional-objects are stranger than most people think [Simons]
     Full Idea: The strangeness of four-dimensional objects is almost always underestimated in the literature.
     From: Peter Simons (Parts [1987], 3.4)
     A reaction: See Idea 12836, where he has criticised process ontologists for smuggling in stages and process as being OF conventional objects.
Worm Perdurantism has a fusion of all the parts; Stage Perdurantism has one part at a time [Crisp,TM]
     Full Idea: Worm-theoretic Perdurantism says spatio-temporal continuants are mereological fusions of instantaneous temporal parts or stages located at different times; Stage-theoretic Perdurantism says they are instantaneous temporal stages of continuants.
     From: Thomas M. Crisp (Presentism [2003], 2.1)
     A reaction: [Armstrong, Lewis and Quine defend the first; Sider the second] The Stage view seems to be the common sense view. Sider suggests that the earlier stages are counterparts, not the thing as it currently is.
Four-dimensionalists say instantaneous objects are more fundamental than long-lived ones [Hawthorne]
     Full Idea: Self-proclaimed four-dimensionalists typically adopt a picture that reckons instantaneous objects (and facts about them) to be more fundamental than long-lived ones.
     From: John Hawthorne (Three-Dimensionalism v Four-Dimensionalism [2008], 2.2)
     A reaction: A nice elucidation. As in Idea 14588, this seems motivated by a desire for some sort of foundationalism or atomism. Why shouldn't a metaphysic treat the middle-sized or temporally extended as foundational, and derive the rest that way?
Four-Dimensional is Perdurantism (temporal parts), plus Eternalism [Williams,NE]
     Full Idea: 'Perdurantism' is the view that objects persist by being composed of temporal parts. When it is commonly combined with the eternalist account of the ontology of time, the result is known as 'four-dimensionalism'.
     From: Neil E. Williams (The Powers Metaphysics [2019], 08.1)
     A reaction: At last, a clear account of the distinction between these two! They're both wrong. He says the result is the spatiotemporal 'worm' view (i.e. one temporal extended thing, rather than a collection of parts).
If causation involves production, that needs persisting objects [Ingthorsson]
     Full Idea: If causation involves production, then things must endure rather than perdure, because perdurance is incompatible with production, if creation ex nihilo is ruled out.
     From: R.D. Ingthorsson (A Powerful Particulars View of Causation [2021], 4.10)
     A reaction: That is, objects must persist over time. Cannot an account of production be given in terms of time-sliceS (or whatever)? 3-D perdurantists obviously have an account of change. He says it also needs the A-series view of time.