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5. Theory of Logic / A. Overview of Logic / 1. Overview of Logic

[broad views about different systems of logic]

34 ideas
Logic has precise boundaries, and is the formal rules for all thinking [Kant]
     Full Idea: The boundaries of logic are determined quite precisely by the fact that logic is the science that exhaustively presents and strictly proves nothing but the formal rules of all thinking.
     From: Immanuel Kant (Critique of Pure Reason [1781], B Pref ix)
     A reaction: Presumably it does not give the rules for ridiculous thinking, so more will be required. The interesting bit is the universality of the claim.
Frege has a judgement stroke (vertical, asserting or judging) and a content stroke (horizontal, expressing) [Frege, by Weiner]
     Full Idea: Frege distinguished between asserting a proposition and expressing it, and he introduced the judgement stroke (a small vertical line, assertion) and the content stroke (a long horizontal line, expression) to represent them.
     From: report of Gottlob Frege (Begriffsschrift [1879]) by Joan Weiner - Frege Ch.3
     A reaction: There are also strokes for conditional and denial.
The laws of logic are boundless, so we want the few whose power contains the others [Frege]
     Full Idea: Since in view of the boundless multitude of laws that can be enunciated we cannot list them all, we cannot achieve completeness except by searching out those that, by their power, contain all of them.
     From: Gottlob Frege (Begriffsschrift [1879], §13)
     A reaction: He refers to these laws in the previous sentence as the 'core'. His talk of 'power' is music to my ears, since it implies a direction of explanation. Burge says the power is that of defining other concepts.
Subject-predicate logic (and substance-attribute metaphysics) arise from Aryan languages [Russell]
     Full Idea: It is doubtful whether the subject-predicate logic, with the substance-attribute metaphysic, would have been invented by people speaking a non-Aryan language.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Logical Atomism [1924], p.151)
     A reaction: This is not far off the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (e.g. Idea 3917), which Russell would never accept. I presume that Russell would see true logic as running deeper, and the 'Aryan' approach as just one possible way to describe it.
There are several logics, none of which will ever derive falsehoods from truth [Lewis,CI]
     Full Idea: The fact is that there are several logics, markedly different, each self-consistent in its own terms and such that whoever, using it, avoids false premises, will never reach a false conclusion.
     From: C.I. Lewis (A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori [1923], p.366)
     A reaction: As the man who invented modal logic in five different versions, he speaks with some authority. Logicians now debate which version is the best, so how could that be decided? You could avoid false conclusions by never reasoning at all.
In logic nothing is hidden [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: In logic nothing is hidden.
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Lectures 1930-32 (student notes) [1931], B XII.3)
     A reaction: If so, then the essence of logic must be there for all to see. The rules of natural deduction are a good shot at showing this.
We can dispense with self-evidence, if language itself prevents logical mistakes [Jeshion on Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: The 'self-evidence' of which Russell talks so much can only be dispensed with in logic if language itself prevents any logical mistake.
     From: comment on Ludwig Wittgenstein (Notebooks 1914-1916 [1915], 4) by Robin Jeshion - Frege's Notion of Self-Evidence 4
     A reaction: Jeshion presents this as a key idea, turning against Frege, and is the real source of the 'linguistic turn' in philosophy. If self-evidence is abandoned, then language itself is the guide to truth, so study language. I think I prefer Frege. See Quine?
Logic fills the world, to its limits [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: Logic pervades the world: the limits of the world are also its limits.
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [1921], 5.61)
     A reaction: This is a gospel belief for hardcore analytic philosophy. Hence Williamson writes a book on modal logic as metaphysics.
Logic concerns everything that is subject to law; the rest is accident [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: The exploration of logic means the exploration of everything that is subject to law. And outside logic everything is accidental.
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [1921], 6.3)
     A reaction: Why should laws be logical? Legislatures can pass whimsical laws. Does he mean that the laws of nature are logically necessary? He can't just mean logical laws.
Logic studies consequence, compatibility, contradiction, corroboration, necessitation, grounding.... [Ryle]
     Full Idea: Logic studies the way in which one thing follows from another, in which one thing is compatible with another, contradicts, corroborates or necessitates another, is a special case of another or the nerve of another. And so on.
     From: Gilbert Ryle (Are there propositions? [1930], IV)
     A reaction: I presume that 'and so on' would include how one thing proves another. This is quite a nice list, which makes me think a little more widely about the nature of logic (rather than just about inference). Incompatibility isn't a process.
In order to select the logic justified by experience, we would need to use a lot of logic [Boghossian on Quine]
     Full Idea: Quine ends up with the logic that is maximally justified by experience, ...but a large number of the core principles of logic will have to be used to select the logic that is maximally justified by experience.
     From: comment on Willard Quine (Carnap and Logical Truth [1954]) by Paul Boghossian - Knowledge of Logic p.233
     A reaction: In order to grasp some core principles of logic, you will probably need a certain amount of experience. I take logic to be an abstracted feature of reality (unless it is extended by pure fictions). Some basic logic may be hard wired in us.
My logical grammar has sentences by predication, then negation, conjunction, and existential quantification [Quine]
     Full Idea: We chose a standard grammar in which the simple sentences are got by predication, and all further sentences are generated from these by negation, conjunction, and existential quantification.
     From: Willard Quine (Philosophy of Logic [1970], Ch.3)
     A reaction: It is interesting that we 'choose' our logic, apparently guided by an imperative to achieve minimal ontology. Of these basic ingredients, negation and predication are the more mysterious, especially the latter. Quine is a bit of an 'ostrich' about that.
We can base logic on acceptability, and abandon the Fregean account by truth-preservation [Ellis]
     Full Idea: In logic, acceptability conditions can replace truth conditions, ..and the only price one has to pay for this is that one has to abandon the implausible Fregean idea that logic is the theory of truth preservation.
     From: Brian Ellis (The Metaphysics of Scientific Realism [2009], 1)
     A reaction: This has always struck me as correct, given that if you assign T and F in a semantics, they don't have to mean 'true' and 'false', and that you can do very good logic with propositions which you think are entirely false.
Deduction is justified by the semantics of its metalanguage [Dummett, by Hanna]
     Full Idea: For Dummett the semantics of the metalanguage is the external and objective source of the justification of deduction.
     From: report of Michael Dummett (The Justification of Deduction [1973]) by Robert Hanna - Rationality and Logic 3.4
     A reaction: This is offered as an answer to the Lewis Carroll problem that justifying deduction seems to need deduction, thus leading to a regress. [There is a reply to Dummett by Susan Haack]
Inference not from content, but from the fact that it was said, is 'conversational implicature' [Enderton]
     Full Idea: The process is dubbed 'conversational implicature' when the inference is not from the content of what has been said, but from the fact that it has been said.
     From: Herbert B. Enderton (A Mathematical Introduction to Logic (2nd) [2001], 1.7.3)
If complex logic requires rules, then so does basic logic [Searle]
     Full Idea: If you think you need a rule to infer q from 'p and (if p then q)', then you would also need a rule to infer p from p.
     From: John Searle (Rationality in Action [2001], Ch.1.II)
We have a theory of logic (implication and inconsistency), but not of inference or reasoning [Harman]
     Full Idea: There is as yet no substantial theory of inference or reasoning. To be sure, logic is well developed; but logic is not a theory of inference or reasoning. Logic is a theory of implication and inconsistency.
     From: Gilbert Harman ((Nonsolipsistic) Conceptual Role Semantics [1987], 12.2.2)
     A reaction: One problem is that animals can draw inferences without the use of language, and I presume we do so all the time, so it is hard to see how to formalise such an activity.
Any two states are logically linked, by being entailed by their conjunction [Harman]
     Full Idea: Any two states of affairs are logically connected, simply because both are entailed by their conjunction.
     From: Gilbert Harman (Thought [1973], 8.1)
Logic is either for demonstration, or for characterizing structures [Tharp]
     Full Idea: One can distinguish at least two quite different senses of logic: as an instrument of demonstration, and perhaps as an instrument for the characterization of structures.
     From: Leslie H. Tharp (Which Logic is the Right Logic? [1975], §2)
     A reaction: This is trying to capture the proof-theory and semantic aspects, but merely 'characterizing' something sounds like a rather feeble aspiration for the semantic side of things. Isn't it to do with truth, rather than just rule-following?
Topos theory explains the plurality of possible logics [Badiou]
     Full Idea: Topos theory explains the plurality of possible logics.
     From: Alain Badiou (Briefings on Existence [1998], 14)
     A reaction: This will because logic will have a distinct theory within each 'topos'.
Logic is the study of sound argument, or of certain artificial languages (or applying the latter to the former) [Hodges,W]
     Full Idea: A logic is a collection of closely related artificial languages, and its older meaning is the study of the rules of sound argument. The languages can be used as a framework for studying rules of argument.
     From: Wilfrid Hodges (First-Order Logic [2001], 1.1)
     A reaction: [Hodges then says he will stick to the languages] The suspicion is that one might confine the subject to the artificial languages simply because it is easier, and avoids the tricky philosophical questions. That approximates to computer programming.
Logic is based on transitions between sentences [Prawitz]
     Full Idea: I agree entirely with Dummett that the right way to answer the question 'what is logic?' is to consider transitions between sentences.
     From: Dag Prawitz (Gentzen's Analysis of First-Order Proofs [1974], §04)
     A reaction: I always protest at this point that reliance on sentences is speciesism against animals, who are thereby debarred from reasoning. See the wonderful Idea 1875 of Chrysippus. Hacking's basic suggestion seems right. Transition between thoughts.
The two main views in philosophy of logic are extensionalism and intensionalism [Jacquette]
     Full Idea: Philosophy of logic has (roughly) two camps: extensionalists and intensionalists, with the former view dominant. ...There is a close connection between this and eliminativist or reductivist versus folk psychological and intentionalist philosophy of mind.
     From: Dale Jacquette (Intro to 'Philosophy of Logic' [2002], §4)
     A reaction: Hm. I think I favour intensionalism in the logic, and reductivism about the mind, so I may have a bit of bother here. I'm convinced that this jigsaw can be completed, despite all appearances.
Logic describes inferences between sentences expressing possible properties of objects [Jacquette]
     Full Idea: It is fundamental that logic depends on logical possibilities, in which logically possible properties are predicated of logically possible objects. Logic describes inferential structures among sentences expressing the predication of properties to objects.
     From: Dale Jacquette (Ontology [2002], Ch. 2)
     A reaction: If our imagination is the only tool we have for assessing possibilities, this leaves the domain of logic as being a bit subjective. There is an underlying Platonism to the idea, since inferences would exist even if nothing else did.
Situation theory is logic that takes account of context [Devlin]
     Full Idea: In many respects, situation theory is an extension of classical logic that takes account of context.
     From: Keith Devlin (Goodbye Descartes [1997], Ch. 8)
     A reaction: John Barwise is cited as the parent of this movement. Many examples show that logical form is very hard to pin down, because word-meaning depends on context (e.g. 'several crumbs' differs from 'several mountains').
There is no 'correct' logic for natural languages [Shapiro]
     Full Idea: There is no question of finding the 'correct' or 'true' logic underlying a part of natural language.
     From: Stewart Shapiro (Foundations without Foundationalism [1991], Pref)
     A reaction: One needs the context of Shapiro's defence of second-order logic to see his reasons for this. Call me romantic, but I retain faith that there is one true logic. The Kennedy Assassination problem - can't see the truth because drowning in evidence.
Logic is the ideal for learning new propositions on the basis of others [Shapiro]
     Full Idea: A logic can be seen as the ideal of what may be called 'relative justification', the process of coming to know some propositions on the basis of others.
     From: Stewart Shapiro (Foundations without Foundationalism [1991], 2.3.1)
     A reaction: This seems to be the modern idea of logic, as opposed to identification of a set of 'logical truths' from which eternal necessities (such as mathematics) can be derived. 'Know' implies that they are true - which conclusions may not be.
There is a real issue over what is the 'correct' logic [Sider]
     Full Idea: Certain debates over the 'correct' logic are genuine, and not linguistic or conceptual.
     From: Theodore Sider (Writing the Book of the World [2011], 01.3)
     A reaction: It is rather hard to give arguments in favour of this view, but I am pleased to have the authority of Sider with me.
'It is raining' and 'it is not raining' can't be legislated, so we can't legislate 'p or ¬p' [Sider]
     Full Idea: I cannot legislate-true 'It is raining' and I cannot legislate true 'It is not raining', so if I cannot legislate either true then I cannot legislate-true the disjunction 'it is raining or it is not raining'.
     From: Theodore Sider (Writing the Book of the World [2011], 06.5)
     A reaction: This strikes me as a very simple and very persuasive argument against the idea that logic is a mere convention. I take disjunction to be an abstract summary of how the world works. Sider seems sympathetic.
Logic studies consequence; logical truths are consequences of everything, or nothing [Beall/Restall]
     Full Idea: Nowadays we think of the consequence relation itself as the primary subject of logic, and view logical truths as degenerate instances of this relation. Logical truths follow from any set of assumptions, or from no assumptions at all.
     From: JC Beall / G Restall (Logical Pluralism [2006], 2.2)
     A reaction: This seems exactly right; the alternative is the study of necessities, but that may not involve logic.
Syllogisms are only logic when they use variables, and not concrete terms [Beall/Restall]
     Full Idea: According to the Peripatetics (Aristotelians), only syllogistic laws stated in variables belong to logic, and not their applications to concrete terms.
     From: JC Beall / G Restall (Logical Pluralism [2006], 2.5)
     A reaction: [from Lukasiewicz] Seems wrong. I take it there are logical relations between concrete things, and the variables are merely used to describe these relations. Variables lack the internal powers to drive logical necessities. Variables lack essence!
To determine the patterns in logic, one must identify its 'building blocks' [Walicki]
     Full Idea: In order to construct precise and valid patterns of arguments one has to determine their 'building blocks'. One has to identify the basic terms, their kinds and means of combination.
     From: Michal Walicki (Introduction to Mathematical Logic [2012], History Intro)
     A reaction: A deceptively simple and important idea. All explanation requires patterns and levels, and it is the idea of building blocks which makes such things possible. It is right at the centre of our grasp of everything.
If a sound conclusion comes from two errors that cancel out, the path of the argument must matter [Rumfitt]
     Full Idea: If a designated conclusion follows from the premisses, but the argument involves two howlers which cancel each other out, then the moral is that the path an argument takes from premisses to conclusion does matter to its logical evaluation.
     From: Ian Rumfitt ("Yes" and "No" [2000], II)
     A reaction: The drift of this is that our view of logic should be a little closer to the reasoning of ordinary language, and we should rely a little less on purely formal accounts.
Logic is higher-order laws which can expand the range of any sort of deduction [Rumfitt]
     Full Idea: On the conception of logic recommended here, logical laws are higher-order laws that can be applied to expand the range of any deductive principles.
     From: Ian Rumfitt (The Boundary Stones of Thought [2015], 3.3)
     A reaction: You need the concept of a 'deductive principle' to get this going, but I take it that might be directly known, rather than derived from a law.