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6. Mathematics / B. Foundations for Mathematics / 4. Axioms for Number / f. Mathematical induction

[rule to get from axioms to general mathematical truths]

10 ideas
Induction is proved in Dedekind, an axiom in Peano; the latter seems simpler and clearer [Dedekind, by Russell]
     Full Idea: Dedekind proves mathematical induction, while Peano regards it as an axiom, ...and Peano's method has the advantage of simplicity, and a clearer separation between the particular and the general propositions of arithmetic.
     From: report of Richard Dedekind (Nature and Meaning of Numbers [1888]) by Bertrand Russell - The Principles of Mathematics §241
It may be possible to define induction in terms of the ancestral relation [Frege, by Wright,C]
     Full Idea: Frege's account of the ancestral has made it possible, in effect, to define the natural numbers as entities for which induction holds.
     From: report of Gottlob Frege (Begriffsschrift [1879]) by Crispin Wright - Frege's Concept of Numbers as Objects 4.xix
     A reaction: This is the opposite of the approach in the Peano Axioms, where induction is used to define the natural numbers.
Finite numbers, unlike infinite numbers, obey mathematical induction [Russell]
     Full Idea: Finite numbers obey the law of mathematical induction: infinite numbers do not.
     From: Bertrand Russell (The Principles of Mathematics [1903], §183)
Denying mathematical induction gave us the transfinite [Russell]
     Full Idea: The transfinite was obtained by denying mathematical induction.
     From: Bertrand Russell (The Principles of Mathematics [1903], §310)
     A reaction: This refers to the work of Dedekind and Cantor. This raises the question (about which thinkers have ceased to care, it seems), of whether it is rational to deny mathematical induction.
Ordinary or mathematical induction assumes for the first, then always for the next, and hence for all [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The principle of mathematical (or ordinary) induction says suppose the first number, 0, has a property; suppose that if any number has that property, then so does the next; then it follows that all numbers have the property.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 2.8)
     A reaction: Ordinary induction is also known as 'weak' induction. Compare Idea 13359 for 'strong' or complete induction. The number sequence must have a first element, so this doesn't work for the integers.
Complete induction assumes for all numbers less than n, then also for n, and hence for all numbers [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The principle of complete induction says suppose that for every number, if all the numbers less than it have a property, then so does it; it then follows that every number has the property.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 2.8)
     A reaction: Complete induction is also known as 'strong' induction. Compare Idea 13358 for 'weak' or mathematical induction. The number sequence need have no first element.
The logic of arithmetic must quantify over properties of numbers to handle induction [Smith,P]
     Full Idea: If the logic of arithmetic doesn't have second-order quantifiers to range over properties of numbers, how can it handle induction?
     From: Peter Smith (Intro to Gödel's Theorems [2007], 10.1)
If a set is defined by induction, then proof by induction can be applied to it [Zalabardo]
     Full Idea: Defining a set by induction enables us to use the method of proof by induction to establish that all the elements of the set have a certain property.
     From: José L. Zalabardo (Introduction to the Theory of Logic [2000], §2.3)
Inductive proof depends on the choice of the ordering [Walicki]
     Full Idea: Inductive proof is not guaranteed to work in all cases and, particularly, it depends heavily on the choice of the ordering.
     From: Michal Walicki (Introduction to Mathematical Logic [2012], 2.1.1)
     A reaction: There has to be an well-founded ordering for inductive proofs to be possible.
Transfinite induction moves from all cases, up to the limit ordinal [Colyvan]
     Full Idea: Transfinite inductions are inductive proofs that include an extra step to show that if the statement holds for all cases less than some limit ordinal, the statement also holds for the limit ordinal.
     From: Mark Colyvan (Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics [2012], 5.2.1 n11)