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18. Thought / D. Concepts / 4. Structure of Concepts / c. Classical concepts

[concepts as necessary and sufficient conditions of groups]

14 ideas
Analysis is finding necessary and sufficient conditions by studying possible cases [Jackson]
     Full Idea: Conceptual analysis is sometimes understood as the business of finding necessary and sufficient conditions by the method of possible cases.
     From: Frank Jackson (From Metaphysics to Ethics [1998], Ch.3)
     A reaction: Some (e.g. Stich) reject this, but it seems to me undeniable that the procedure can be very illuminating, even if it is never totally successful. Jackson prefers to see analysis as the study of entailments between stories about the world.
The essence of a concept is either its definition or its conceptual relations? [Mares]
     Full Idea: In the 'classical theory' a concept includes in it those concepts that define it. ...In the 'theory theory' view the content of a concept is determined by its relationship to other concepts.
     From: Edwin D. Mares (A Priori [2011], 03.10)
     A reaction: Neither of these seem to give an intrinsic account of a concept, or any account of how the whole business gets off the ground.
The classical definitional approach cannot distinguish typical and atypical category members [Murphy]
     Full Idea: The early psychological approaches to concepts took a definitional approach. ...but this view does not have any way of distinguishing typical and atypical category members ( when a trout is a typical fish and an eel an atypical one).
     From: Gregory L. Murphy (The Big Book of Concepts [2004], Ch. 2)
     A reaction: [pp. 12 and 22] Eleanor Rosch in the 1970s is said to have largely killed off the classical view.
Classical concepts follow classical logic, but concepts in real life don't work that way [Murphy]
     Full Idea: The classical view of concepts has been tied to traditional logic. 'Fido is a dog and a pet' is true if it has the necessary and sufficient conditions for both, ...but there is empirical evidence that people do not follow that rule.
     From: Gregory L. Murphy (The Big Book of Concepts [2004], Ch. 2)
     A reaction: Examples given are classifying chess as a sport and/or game, and classifying a tree house (which is agreed to be both a building and not a building!).
Classical concepts are transitive hierarchies, but actual categories may be intransitive [Murphy]
     Full Idea: The classical view of concepts explains hierarchical order, where categories form nested sets. But research shows that categories are often not transitive. Research shows that a seat is furniture, and a car seat is a seat, but it is not furniture.
     From: Gregory L. Murphy (The Big Book of Concepts [2004], Ch. 2)
     A reaction: [compressed] Murphy adds that the nesting of definitions is classically used to match the nesting of hierarchies. This is a nice example of the neatness of the analytic philosopher breaking down when it meets the mess of the world.
The classical core is meant to be the real concept, but actually seems unimportant [Murphy]
     Full Idea: A problem with the revised classical view is that the concept core does not seem to be an important part of the concept, despite its name and theoretical intention as representing the 'real' concept.
     From: Gregory L. Murphy (The Big Book of Concepts [2004], Ch. 2)
     A reaction: Apparently most researchers feel they can explain their results without reference to any core. Not so fast, I would say (being an essentialist). Maybe people acknowledge an implicit core without knowing what it is. See Susan Gelman.
The theoretical and practical definitions for the classical view are very hard to find [Murphy]
     Full Idea: It has been extremely difficult to find definitions for most natural categories, and even harder to find definitions that are plausible psychological representations that people of all ages would be likely to use.
     From: Gregory L. Murphy (The Big Book of Concepts [2004], Ch. 2)
Classically, concepts give necessary and sufficient conditions for falling under them [Margolis/Laurence]
     Full Idea: The classical theory is that a concept has a definitional structure in that it is composed of simpler concepts that express necessary and sufficient conditions for falling under the concept, the stock example being unmarried and a man for 'bachelor'.
     From: E Margolis/S Laurence (Concepts [2009], 2.1)
     A reaction: This is the background idea to philosophy as analysis, and it makes concepts essentially referential, in that they are defined by their ability to pick things out. There must be some degree of truth in the theory.
The classical theory explains acquisition, categorization and reference [Margolis/Laurence]
     Full Idea: The appeal of the classical theory of concepts is that it offers unified treatments of concept acquisition (assembling constituents), categorization (check constituents against target), and reference determination (whether they apply).
     From: E Margolis/S Laurence (Concepts [2009], 2.1)
     A reaction: [See Idea 11128 for the theory] As so often, I find myself in sympathy with the traditional view which has been relegated to ignominy by our wonderful modern philosophers.
Typicality challenges the classical view; we see better fruit-prototypes in apples than in plums [Margolis/Laurence]
     Full Idea: The classical view is challenged by the discovery that certain categories are taken to be more typical, with typicality widely correlating with other data. Apples are judged to be more typical of (and have more common features with) fruit than plums are.
     From: E Margolis/S Laurence (Concepts [2009], 2.1)
     A reaction: This discovery that people use prototypes in thinking has been the biggest idea to ever hit the philosophy of concepts, and simply cannot be ignored (as long as the research keeps reinforcing it, which I believe it does). The classical view might adapt.
It may be that our concepts (such as 'knowledge') have no definitional structure [Margolis/Laurence]
     Full Idea: In the light of problems such as the definition of knowledge, many philosophers now take seriously the possibility that our concepts lack definitional structure.
     From: E Margolis/S Laurence (Concepts [2009], 2.1)
     A reaction: This challenges the classical view, that there are precise conditions for each concept. That view would obviously be in difficulties with atomic concepts, so our account of those might be applied all the way up.
Classical theory implies variety in processing times, but this does not generally occur [Machery]
     Full Idea: If a concept is defined by means of another, such as MURDER by means of KILL, then processing the former concept should take longer in the classical theory, but several experiments show that this is not the case.
     From: Edouard Machery (Doing Without Concepts [2009], 4.1.3)
     A reaction: For the philosopher there is no escaping the findings of neuroscience when it comes to the study of concepts. This invites the question of the role, if any, of philosophy. I take philosophy to concern the big picture, or it is nothing.
Classical theory can't explain facts like typical examples being categorised quicker [Machery]
     Full Idea: The nail in the coffin of the classical theory is its lack of explanatory power. For example it doesn't explain the fact that typical x's are categorised more quickly and more reliably than atypical x's.
     From: Edouard Machery (Doing Without Concepts [2009], 4.1.3)
     A reaction: [He cites Rosch and Mervis: 1975:ch 5] This research launched the 'prototype' theory, which has since been challenged by the 'exemplar' and 'theory theory' rivals (and neo-empiricism, and idealisation).
Many categories don't seem to have a definition [Machery]
     Full Idea: For many categories there is simply no definition to learn (such as Wittgenstein's example of a 'game').
     From: Edouard Machery (Doing Without Concepts [2009], 4.1.4)