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6. Mathematics / B. Foundations for Mathematics / 6. Mathematics as Set Theory / a. Mathematics is set theory

[Identification of mathematics with set theory]

36 ideas
Pure mathematics is pure set theory [Cantor]
     Full Idea: Pure mathematics ...according to my conception is nothing other than pure set theory.
     From: George Cantor (works [1880], I.1), quoted by Penelope Maddy - Naturalism in Mathematics I.1
     A reaction: [an unpublished paper of 1884] So right at the beginning of set theory this claim was being made, before it was axiomatised, and so on. Zermelo endorsed the view, and it flourished unchallenged until Benacerraf (1965).
Zermelo believed, and Von Neumann seemed to confirm, that numbers are sets [Zermelo, by Maddy]
     Full Idea: Zermelo was a reductionist, and believed that theorems purportedly about numbers (cardinal or ordinal) are really about sets, and since Von Neumann's definitions of ordinals and cardinals as sets, this has become common doctrine.
     From: report of Ernst Zermelo (Investigations in the Foundations of Set Theory I [1908]) by Penelope Maddy - Believing the Axioms I §1.8
     A reaction: Frege has a more sophisticated take on this approach. It may just be an updating of the Greek idea that arithmetic is about treating many things as a unit. A set bestows an identity on a group, and that is all that is needed.
All the axioms for mathematics presuppose set theory [Neumann]
     Full Idea: There is no axiom system for mathematics, geometry, and so forth that does not presuppose set theory.
     From: John von Neumann (An Axiomatization of Set Theory [1925]), quoted by Stewart Shapiro - Foundations without Foundationalism 8.2
     A reaction: Von Neumann was doubting whether set theory could have axioms, and hence the whole project is doomed, and we face relativism about such things. His ally was Skolem in this.
Maths can be reduced to logic and set theory [Quine]
     Full Idea: Researches in the foundations of mathematics have made it clear that all of (interpreted) mathematics can be got down to logic and set theory, and the objects needed for mathematics can be got down to the category of classes (and classes of classes..).
     From: Willard Quine (The Scope and Language of Science [1954], §VI)
     A reaction: This I take to be a retreat from pure logicism, presumably influenced by Gödel. So can set theory be reduced to logic? Crispin Wright is the one the study.
All the arithmetical entities can be reduced to classes of integers, and hence to sets [Quine]
     Full Idea: The arithmetic of ratios and irrational and imaginary numbers can all be reduced by definition to the theory of classes of positive integers, and this can in turn be reduced to pure set theory.
     From: Willard Quine (Vagaries of Definition [1972], p.53)
     A reaction: This summarises Quine's ontology of mathematics, which tries to eliminate virtually everything, but has to affirm the existence of sets. Can you count sets and their members, if the sets are used to define the numbers?
A 'set' is a mathematically well-behaved class [Hodges,W]
     Full Idea: A 'set' is a mathematically well-behaved class.
     From: Wilfrid Hodges (First-Order Logic [2001], 1.6)
Giving up classes means giving up successful mathematics because of dubious philosophy [Lewis]
     Full Idea: Renouncing classes means rejecting mathematics. That will not do. Mathematics is an established, going concern. Philosophy is as shaky as can be.
     From: David Lewis (Parts of Classes [1991], 2.8)
     A reaction: This culminates in his famous 'Who's going to tell the mathematicians? Not me!'. He has just given four examples of mathematics that seems to entirely depend on classes. This idea sounds like G.E. Moore's common sense against scepticism.
Set theory is not just first-order ZF, because that is inadequate for mathematics [Mayberry]
     Full Idea: The idea that set theory must simply be identified with first-order Zermelo-Fraenkel is surprisingly widespread. ...The first-order axiomatic theory of sets is clearly inadequate as a foundation of mathematics.
     From: John Mayberry (What Required for Foundation for Maths? [1994], p.412-2)
     A reaction: [He is agreeing with a quotation from Skolem].
We don't translate mathematics into set theory, because it comes embodied in that way [Mayberry]
     Full Idea: One does not have to translate 'ordinary' mathematics into the Zermelo-Fraenkel system: ordinary mathematics comes embodied in that system.
     From: John Mayberry (What Required for Foundation for Maths? [1994], p.415-1)
     A reaction: Mayberry seems to be a particular fan of set theory as spelling out the underlying facts of mathematics, though it has to be second-order.
Set theory is not just another axiomatised part of mathematics [Mayberry]
     Full Idea: The fons et origo of all confusion is the view that set theory is just another axiomatic theory and the universe of sets just another mathematical structure. ...The universe of sets the world that all mathematical structures inhabit.
     From: John Mayberry (What Required for Foundation for Maths? [1994], p.416-1)
Set-theory tracks the contours of mathematical depth and fruitfulness [Maddy]
     Full Idea: Our set-theoretic methods track the underlying contours of mathematical depth. ...What sets are, most fundamentally, is markers for these contours ...they are maximally effective trackers of certain trains of mathematical fruitfulness.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Defending the Axioms [2011], 3.4)
     A reaction: This seems to make it more like a map of mathematics than the actual essence of mathematics.
Some sets of natural numbers are definable in set-theory but not in arithmetic [Shapiro]
     Full Idea: There are sets of natural numbers definable in set-theory but not in arithmetic.
     From: Stewart Shapiro (Foundations without Foundationalism [1991], 5.3.3)
Mathematics rests on the logic of proofs, and on the set theoretic axioms [Maddy]
     Full Idea: Our much loved mathematical knowledge rests on two supports: inexorable deductive logic (the stuff of proof), and the set theoretic axioms.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Naturalism in Mathematics [1997], I Intro)
Making set theory foundational to mathematics leads to very fruitful axioms [Maddy]
     Full Idea: The set theory axioms developed in producing foundations for mathematics also have strong consequences for existing fields, and produce a theory that is immensely fruitful in its own right.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Naturalism in Mathematics [1997], I.2)
     A reaction: [compressed] Second of Maddy's three benefits of set theory. This benefit is more questionable than the first, because the axioms may be invented because of their nice fruit, instead of their accurate account of foundations.
The line of rationals has gaps, but set theory provided an ordered continuum [Maddy]
     Full Idea: The structure of a geometric line by rational points left gaps, which were inconsistent with a continuous line. Set theory provided an ordering that contained no gaps. These reals are constructed from rationals, which come from integers and naturals.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Naturalism in Mathematics [1997], I.2)
     A reaction: This completes the reduction of geometry to arithmetic and algebra, which was launch 250 years earlier by Descartes.
Unified set theory gives a final court of appeal for mathematics [Maddy]
     Full Idea: The single unified area of set theory provides a court of final appeal for questions of mathematical existence and proof.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Naturalism in Mathematics [1997], I.2)
     A reaction: Maddy's third benefit of set theory. 'Existence' means being modellable in sets, and 'proof' means being derivable from the axioms. The slightly ad hoc character of the axioms makes this a weaker defence.
Set theory brings mathematics into one arena, where interrelations become clearer [Maddy]
     Full Idea: Set theoretic foundations bring all mathematical objects and structures into one arena, allowing relations and interactions between them to be clearly displayed and investigated.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Naturalism in Mathematics [1997], I.2)
     A reaction: The first of three benefits of set theory which Maddy lists. The advantages of the one arena seem to be indisputable.
Identifying geometric points with real numbers revealed the power of set theory [Maddy]
     Full Idea: The identification of geometric points with real numbers was among the first and most dramatic examples of the power of set theoretic foundations.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Naturalism in Mathematics [1997], I.2)
     A reaction: Hence the clear definition of the reals by Dedekind and Cantor was the real trigger for launching set theory.
A natural number is a property of sets [Maddy, by Oliver]
     Full Idea: Maddy takes a natural number to be a certain property of sui generis sets, the property of having a certain number of members.
     From: report of Penelope Maddy (Realism in Mathematics [1990], 3 §2) by Alex Oliver - The Metaphysics of Properties
     A reaction: [I believe Maddy has shifted since then] Presumably this will make room for zero and infinities as natural numbers. Personally I want my natural numbers to count things.
Set theory is the standard background for modern mathematics [Burgess]
     Full Idea: In present-day mathematics, it is set theory that serves as the background theory in which other branches of mathematics are developed.
     From: John P. Burgess (Review of Chihara 'Struct. Accnt of Maths' [2005], §1)
     A reaction: [He cites Bourbaki as an authority for this] See Benacerraf for a famous difficulty here, when you actually try to derive an ontology from the mathematicians' working practices.
Set theory (unlike the Peano postulates) can explain why multiplication is commutative [Maddy]
     Full Idea: If you wonder why multiplication is commutative, you could prove it from the Peano postulates, but the proof offers little towards an answer. In set theory Cartesian products match 1-1, and n.m dots when turned on its side has m.n dots, which explains it.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Sets and Numbers [1981], II)
     A reaction: 'Turning on its side' sounds more fundamental than formal set theory. I'm a fan of explanation as taking you to the heart of the problem. I suspect the world, rather than set theory, explains the commutativity.
Standardly, numbers are said to be sets, which is neat ontology and epistemology [Maddy]
     Full Idea: The standard account of the relationship between numbers and sets is that numbers simply are certain sets. This has the advantage of ontological economy, and allows numbers to be brought within the epistemology of sets.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Sets and Numbers [1981], III)
     A reaction: Maddy votes for numbers being properties of sets, rather than the sets themselves. See Yourgrau's critique.
Numbers are properties of sets, just as lengths are properties of physical objects [Maddy]
     Full Idea: I propose that ...numbers are properties of sets, analogous, for example, to lengths, which are properties of physical objects.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Sets and Numbers [1981], III)
     A reaction: Are lengths properties of physical objects? A hole in the ground can have a length. A gap can have a length. Pure space seems to contain lengths. A set seems much more abstract than its members.
Set-theory gives a unified and an explicit basis for mathematics [Reck/Price]
     Full Idea: The merits of basing an account of mathematics on set theory are that it allows for a comprehensive unified treatment of many otherwise separate branches of mathematics, and that all assumption, including existence, are explicit in the axioms.
     From: E Reck / M Price (Structures and Structuralism in Phil of Maths [2000], §4)
     A reaction: I am forming the impression that set-theory provides one rather good model (maybe the best available) for mathematics, but that doesn't mean that mathematics is set-theory. The best map of a landscape isn't a landscape.
Set theory can prove the Peano Postulates [George/Velleman]
     Full Idea: The Peano Postulates can be proven in ZFC.
     From: A.George / D.J.Velleman (Philosophies of Mathematics [2002], Ch.7)
Modern mathematics has unified all of its objects within set theory [Wolf,RS]
     Full Idea: One of the great achievements of modern mathematics has been the unification of its many types of objects. It began with showing geometric objects numerically or algebraically, and culminated with set theory representing all the normal objects.
     From: Robert S. Wolf (A Tour through Mathematical Logic [2005], Pref)
     A reaction: His use of the word 'object' begs all sorts of questions, if you are arriving from the street, where an object is something which can cause a bruise - but get used to it, because the word 'object' has been borrowed for new uses.
Set theory will found all of mathematics - except for the notion of proof [Lavine]
     Full Idea: Every theorem of mathematics has a counterpart with set theory - ...but that theory cannot serve as a basis for the notion of proof.
     From: Shaughan Lavine (Understanding the Infinite [1994], V.3)
Sets might either represent the numbers, or be the numbers, or replace the numbers [Oliver/Smiley]
     Full Idea: Identifying numbers with sets may mean one of three quite different things: 1) the sets represent the numbers, or ii) they are the numbers, or iii) they replace the numbers.
     From: Oliver,A/Smiley,T (What are Sets and What are they For? [2006], 5.2)
     A reaction: Option one sounds the most plausible to me. I will take numbers to be patterns embedded in nature, and sets are one way of presenting them in shorthand form, in order to bring out what is repeated.
Most mathematical theories can be translated into the language of set theory [Friend]
     Full Idea: Most of mathematics can be faithfully redescribed by classical (realist) set theory. More precisely, we can translate other mathematical theories - such as group theory, analysis, calculus, arithmetic, geometry and so on - into the language of set theory.
     From: Michčle Friend (Introducing the Philosophy of Mathematics [2007], 2.3)
     A reaction: This is why most mathematicians seem to regard set theory as foundational. We could also translate football matches into the language of atomic physics.
The concept of 'ordinal number' is set-theoretic, not arithmetical [Horsten]
     Full Idea: The notion of an ordinal number is a set-theoretic, and hence non-arithmetical, concept.
     From: Leon Horsten (Philosophy of Mathematics [2007], §2.3)
In arithmetic singularists need sets as the instantiator of numeric properties [Hossack]
     Full Idea: In arithmetic singularists need sets as the instantiator of numeric properties.
     From: Keith Hossack (Plurals and Complexes [2000], 8)
Set theory is the science of infinity [Hossack]
     Full Idea: Set theory is the science of infinity.
     From: Keith Hossack (Plurals and Complexes [2000], 10)
ZFC showed that the concept of set is mathematical, not logical, because of its existence claims [Horsten]
     Full Idea: One of the strengths of ZFC is that it shows that the concept of set is a mathematical concept. Many originally took it to be a logical concept. But ZFC makes mind-boggling existence claims, which should not follow if it was a logical concept.
     From: Leon Horsten (The Tarskian Turn [2011], 05.2.3)
     A reaction: This suggests that set theory is not just a way of expressing mathematics (see Benacerraf 1965), but that some aspect of mathematics has been revealed by it - maybe even its essential nature.
Set theory is substantial over first-order arithmetic, because it enables new proofs [Horsten]
     Full Idea: The nonconservativeness of set theory over first-order arithmetic has done much to establish set theory as a substantial theory indeed.
     From: Leon Horsten (The Tarskian Turn [2011], 07.5)
     A reaction: Horsten goes on to point out the price paid, which is the whole new ontology which has to be added to the arithmetic. Who cares? It's all fictions anyway!
To reduce PA to ZF, we represent the non-negative integers with von Neumann ordinals [Halbach]
     Full Idea: For the reduction of Peano Arithmetic to ZF set theory, usually the set of finite von Neumann ordinals is used to represent the non-negative integers.
     From: Volker Halbach (Axiomatic Theories of Truth [2011], 6)
     A reaction: Halbach makes it clear that this is just one mode of reduction, relative interpretability.
Most mathematical proofs are using set theory, but without saying so [Colyvan]
     Full Idea: Most mathematical proofs, outside of set theory, do not explicitly state the set theory being employed.
     From: Mark Colyvan (Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics [2012], 7.1.1)