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19. Language / B. Reference / 1. Reference theories

[way language-terms connect with things in reality]

29 ideas
The Electra: she knows this man, but not that he is her brother [Eucleides, by Diog. Laertius]
     Full Idea: The 'Electra': Electra knows that Orestes is her brother, but not that this man is Orestes, so she knows and does not know her brother simultaneously.
     From: report of Eucleides (fragments/reports [c.410 BCE]) by Diogenes Laertius - Lives of Eminent Philosophers 02.Eu.4
     A reaction: Hence we distinguish 'know of', 'know that' and 'know how'. Hence Russell makes 'knowledge by acquaintance' fundamental, and descriptions come later.
Referring to a person, and speaking about him, are very different [Seneca]
     Full Idea: It makes a very great difference whether you refer to the person directly, or speak about him.
     From: Seneca the Younger (Letters from a Stoic [c.60], 117.13), quoted by A.A. Long - Hellenistic Philosophy 4.3.2
     A reaction: We seem to think that the distinctiveness of reference was first spotted by Frege. Not so.
Reference is by name, or a term-plus-circumstance, or ostensively, or by description [Reid]
     Full Idea: An individual is expressed by a proper name, or by a general word joined to distinguishing circumstances; if unknown, it may be pointed out to the senses; when beyond the reach of the senses it may be picked out by an imperfect but true description.
     From: Thomas Reid (Essays on Intellectual Powers 4: Conception [1785], 1)
     A reaction: [compressed] If Putnam, Kripke and Donnellan had read this paragraph they could have save themselves a lot of work! I take reference to be the activity of speakers and writers, and these are the main tools of the trade.
Icons resemble their subject, an index is a natural sign, and symbols are conventional [Peirce, by Maund]
     Full Idea: For Peirce there are three different kinds of sign, which are different kinds of representation, built on different relationships: an 'icon' represents what it resembles, an 'index' is a natural sign, and a 'symbol' is a conventional sign.
     From: report of Charles Sanders Peirce (Logic as Semiotic: Theory of Signs [1897]) by Barry Maund - Perception Ch.4
     A reaction: Maund makes use of natural signs (like footprints) to explain representative perception. Peirce's distinctions seem useful in philosophy of mind generally, if the brain somehow represents what it experiences. How subjective are signs?
The reference of a word should be understood as part of the reference of the sentence [Frege]
     Full Idea: I have transferred the relation between the parts and the whole of the sentence to its reference, by calling the reference of the word part of the reference of the sentence, if the word itself is part of the sentence.
     From: Gottlob Frege (On Sense and Reference [1892], p.35)
     A reaction: Since Frege says the reference of a true sentence is simply to truth, words have reference insofar as they make contributions to attempts at stating truths.
Russell argued with great plausibility that we rarely, if ever, refer with our words [Russell, by Cooper,DE]
     Full Idea: Russell argued with great plausibility that we rarely, if ever, refer with our words.
     From: report of Bertrand Russell (On Denoting [1905]) by David E. Cooper - Philosophy and the Nature of Language §4
     A reaction: I'm not sure if I understand this. Presumably phrases which appear to refer actually point at other parts of language rather than the world.
How do words refer to sensations? [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: How do words refer to sensations?
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations [1952], §244)
     A reaction: A very nice question, to be remembered when discussing how we refer to beauty, gold, water or the present King of France.
Reference is inscrutable, because we cannot choose between theories of numbers [Quine, by Orenstein]
     Full Idea: For Quine, we cannot sensibly ask which is the real number five, the Frege-Russell set or the Von Neumann one. There is no arithmetical or empirical way of deciding between the two. Reference is inscrutable.
     From: report of Willard Quine (Ontological Relativity [1968]) by Alex Orenstein - W.V. Quine Ch.3
     A reaction: To generalise from a problem of reference in the highly abstract world of arithmetic, and say that all reference is inscrutable, strikes me as implausible.
Quine says there is no matter of fact about reference - it is 'inscrutable' [Quine, by O'Grady]
     Full Idea: Quine holds the doctrine of the 'inscrutability of reference', which means there is no fact of the matter about reference.
     From: report of Willard Quine (works [1961]) by Paul O'Grady - Relativism Ch.3
     A reaction: Presumably reference depends on conventions like pointing, or the functioning of words like "that", or the ambiguities of descriptions. If you can't define it, it doesn't exist? I don't believe him.
In standard logic, names are the only way to refer [Sommers]
     Full Idea: In modern predicate logic, definite reference by proper names is the primary and sole form of reference.
     From: Fred Sommers (Intellectual Autobiography [2005], 'Reference')
     A reaction: Hence we have to translate definite descriptions into (logical) names, or else paraphrase them out of existence. The domain only contains 'objects', so only names can uniquely pick them out.
How reference is specified is not what reference is [Putnam]
     Full Idea: A theory of how reference is specified isn't a theory of what reference is.
     From: Hilary Putnam (Meaning and the Moral Sciences [1978], Lec V)
     A reaction: A simple and important point. We may achieve reference by naming, describing, grunting or pointing, but the question is, what have we achieved when we get there?
A theory of reference seems needed to pick out objects without ghostly inner states [Rorty]
     Full Idea: The need to pick out objects without the help of definitions, essences, and meanings of terms produced, philosophers thought, a need for a "theory of reference".
     From: Richard Rorty (Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature [1980], 6.3)
     A reaction: Frege's was very perceptive in noting that meaning and reference are not the same. Whether we need a 'theory' of reference is unclear. It is worth describing how it occurs.
Is reference the key place where language and the world meet? [Davidson]
     Full Idea: The essential question is whether reference is the, or at least one, place where there is direct contact between linguistic theory and events, actions, or objects described in nonlinguistic terms.
     From: Donald Davidson (Reality without Reference [1977], p.134)
     A reaction: How do you 'describe objects in nonlinguistic terms'? The causal theory of reference (e.g. Idea 4957) is designed to plug language straight into the world via reference. It simplifies things nicely, but I don't quite believe it.
With a holistic approach, we can give up reference in empirical theories of language [Davidson]
     Full Idea: I defend a version of the holistic approach, and urge that we must give up the concept of reference as basic to an empirical theory of language.
     From: Donald Davidson (Reality without Reference [1977], p.136)
     A reaction: He proposes to connect language to the world via the concept of truth, rather than of reference. It is a brilliant idea, and is the key issue in philosophy of language. I go back to animals, which seem to care about situations rather than things.
Any thesis about reference is also a thesis about what exists to be referred to [Cooper,DE]
     Full Idea: Any thesis about reference is also going to be a thesis about what there is in existence to refer to.
     From: David E. Cooper (Philosophy and the Nature of Language [1973], §4)
     A reaction: I see the point, but we must not put the cart before the horse. I may have an intuition that something exists, but not know how to refer to it (because of my small vocabulary).
Reference need not be a hit-or-miss affair [Cooper,DE]
     Full Idea: Reference need not be a hit-or-miss affair.
     From: David E. Cooper (Philosophy and the Nature of Language [1973], §4.2)
     A reaction: Sounds right. If the basic scenario is picking someone out in a crowd, your listener may think they know which person you are talking about, with a high degree of probability.
Co-referring terms differ if they have different causal powers [Fodor]
     Full Idea: The representation of 'morning star' must be different from 'evening star' because their tokens differ in their causal powers.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (LOT 2 [2008], Ch.3.3)
     A reaction: This is Fodor trying to avoid the standard Fregean move of proposing that there are 'senses' as well as references. See Idea 12629. If these two terms have the same extension, they are the same concept? They 'seem' to have two referents.
We refer to individuals and to properties, and we use singular terms and predicates [Fodor]
     Full Idea: I assume that there are two kinds of reference: reference to individuals and to properties. This means, from the syntactic point of view, that the vehicles of reference are exhaustively singular terms and predicates.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (LOT 2 [2008], Ch.7)
     A reaction: The immediate possibility that comes to mind is plural quantification. See George Boolos, who confidently says that he can refer to 'some Cheerios' in his breakfast bowl, and communicate very well. He then looks to formalise such talk.
We can refer to fictional entities if they are abstract objects [Bach]
     Full Idea: If fictional entities, such as characters in a play, are real, albeit abstract entities, then we can genuinely refer to them.
     From: Kent Bach (What Does It Take to Refer? [2006], 22.1)
     A reaction: [He cites Nathan Salmon 1998] Personally I would prefer to say that abstract entities are fictions. Fictional characters have uncertain identity conditions. Do they all have a pancreas, if this is never mentioned?
Fictional reference is different inside and outside the fiction [Bach]
     Full Idea: We must distinguish 'reference' in a fiction from reference outside the fiction to fictional entities.
     From: Kent Bach (What Does It Take to Refer? [2006], 22.1)
     A reaction: This may be more semantically than ontologically significant. It is perhaps best explicated by Coleridge's distinction over whether or not I am 'suspending my disbelief' when I am discussing a character.
You 'allude to', not 'refer to', an individual if you keep their identity vague [Bach]
     Full Idea: If you say 'a special person is coming to visit', you are not referring to but merely 'alluding to' that individual. This does not count as referring because you are not expressing a singular proposition about it.
     From: Kent Bach (What Does It Take to Refer? [2006], 22.1 s2)
     A reaction: If you add 'I hope he doesn't wear his red suit, but I hope he plays his tuba', you seem to be expressing singular propositions about the person. Bach seems to want a very strict notion of reference, as really attaching listeners to individuals.
If apparent reference can mislead, then so can apparent lack of reference [Wright,C]
     Full Idea: If the appearance of reference can be misleading, why cannot an apparent lack of reference be misleading?
     From: Crispin Wright (Frege's Concept of Numbers as Objects [1983], 2.xi)
     A reaction: A nice simple thought. Analytic philosophy has concerned itself a lot with sentences that seem to refer, but the reference can be analysed away. For me, this takes the question of reference out of the linguistic sphere, which wasn't Wright's plan.
Behaviourists doubt whether reference is a single type of relation [Kirk,R]
     Full Idea: To most behaviourists it seems misguided to expect there to be a single relation that connects referring expressions with their referents.
     From: Robert Kirk (Mind and Body [2003], §5.5)
     A reaction: You don't need to be a behaviourist to feel this doubt. Think about names of real people, names of fictional people, reference to misunderstood items, or imagined items, or reference in dreams, or to mathematical objects, or negations etc.
A concept's reference is what makes true the beliefs of its possession conditions [Peacocke, by Horwich]
     Full Idea: Peacocke has a distinctive view of reference: The reference of a concept is that which will make true the primitively compelling beliefs that provide its possession conditions.
     From: report of Christopher Peacocke (A Study of Concepts [1992]) by Paul Horwich - Stipulation, Meaning and Apriority §9
     A reaction: The first thought is that there might occasionally be more than one referent which would do the job. It seems to be a very internal view of reference, where I take reference to be much more contextual and social.
Frege's 'sense' solves four tricky puzzles [Salmon,N]
     Full Idea: Reference via sense solves Frege's four puzzles, of the informativeness of identity statements, the failure of substitutivity in attitude contexts, of negative existentials, and the truth-value of statements using nondenoting singular terms.
     From: Nathan Salmon (Reference and Essence (1st edn) [1981], 1.1.1)
     A reaction: These must then be compared with Kripke's three puzzles about referring via sense, and the whole debate is then spread before us.
'Partial reference' is when the subject thinks two objects are one object [Field,H, by Recanati]
     Full Idea: A subject's thought is about A, but, unbeknownst to the subject, B is substituted for A. Then there is Field's 'partial reference', because the subject's thought is still partially about A, even though they are following B.
     From: report of Hartry Field (Theory Change and the Indeterminacy of Reference [1973]) by François Recanati - Mental Files in Flux 2
     A reaction: Used to interpret a well-known case: Wally says of Udo 'he needs a haircut'; Zach looks at someone else and says 'he sure does'. Recanati explains it by mental files.
References to the 'greatest prime number' have no reference, but are meaningful [Williamson]
     Full Idea: The predicate 'is a prime number greater than all other prime numbers' is necessarily not true of anything, but it is not semantically defective, for it occurs in sentences that constitute a sound proof that there is no such number.
     From: Timothy Williamson (Vagueness [1994], 6.2)
     A reaction: One might reply that the description can be legitimately mentioned, but not legitimately used.
There may be two types of reference in language and thought: descriptive and direct [Recanati]
     Full Idea: A widely held view, originating with Russell, says there are two types of reference (both in language and thought): descriptive reference, and direct reference.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 3.2)
     A reaction: I would rather say is there is just one sort of reference, and as many ways of achieving it as you care to come up with. With that view, most of the problems vanish, as far as I can see. People refer. Sentences are nothing but trouble.
It is said that proper reference is our intellectual link with the world [Laycock]
     Full Idea: Some people hold that it is reference, in some more or less full-blooded sense, which constitutes our basic intellectual or psychological connection with the world.
     From: Henry Laycock (Words without Objects [2006], Pref)
     A reaction: This is the view which Laycock sets out to challenge, by showing that we talk about stuff like water without any singular reference occurring at all. I think he is probably right.