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3. Truth / A. Truth Problems / 9. Rejecting Truth

[denial of either meaning or content to the concept of truth]

11 ideas
If the existence of truth is denied, the 'Truth does not exist' must be true! [Aquinas]
     Full Idea: Whoever denies the existence of truth grants that truth does not exist: and if truth does not exist, then the proposition 'Truth does not exist' is true: and if there is anything true, there must be truth.
     From: Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologicae [1265], Art 1, Obj 3)
     A reaction: A classic example of turning the tables, also applicable to anyone who firmly denies knowledge, or that words are meaningful, or says that meaning needs verification. However, one measily truth is not much consolation.
The truth is what gives us the minimum of spiritual effort, and avoids the exhaustion of lying [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: What is true? Where an explanation is given which causes us the minimum of spiritual effort (moreover, lying is very exhausting).
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (The Will to Power (notebooks) [1888], §279)
     A reaction: Nietzsche is just being naughty here. Obviously lazy but intelligent people tell the truth, but to suggest that there is nothing more to truth means the collapse of language and thought. Which means no more reading Nietzsche…
Truth is just a name for verification-processes [James]
     Full Idea: Truth for us is simply a collective name for verification-processes, just as 'health' is a name for other processes in life.
     From: William James (Pragmatism - eight lectures [1907], Lec 6)
     A reaction: So the slogan is 'truth is success in belief'? Suicide and racist genocide can be 'successful'. I would have thought that truth was the end of a process, rather than the process itself.
Heidegger says truth is historical, and never absolute [Heidegger, by Polt]
     Full Idea: Heidegger is a relentless enemy of ahistorical, absolutist concepts of truth.
     From: report of Martin Heidegger (Being and Time [1927]) by Richard Polt - Heidegger: an introduction 1
     A reaction: I presume that if truth is not absolute then it must be relative, but Polt is a little coy about saying so. For me, anyone who says truth is relative doesn't understand the concept, and is talking about something else.
Truth is just an error insufficiently experienced [Cioran]
     Full Idea: What we call truth is an error insufficiently experienced.
     From: E.M. Cioran (A Short History of Decay [1949], 5)
     A reaction: I'm not sure how to go about refuting that claim! Turn the tables, I suppose. 'Tell me, Cioran, are you claiming that this idea is true?'
Eventually every 'truth' is guaranteed by the police [Cioran]
     Full Idea: Once a belief is established the police will guarantee its 'truth' sooner or later.
     From: E.M. Cioran (A Short History of Decay [1949], 6 'Views')
Truth doesn't arise from solitary freedom, but from societies with constraints [Foucault]
     Full Idea: Truth isn't a reward of free spirits, the child of protracted solitude, nor the privilege of those who have succeeded in liberating themselves. Truth is a thing of this world: it is produced only by virtue of multiple forms of constraint.
     From: Michel Foucault (Truth and Power (interview) [1976], p.131)
     A reaction: This obviously has a degree of truth in many areas of human belief, but I just don't buy it as an account of Newton's researches into optics, or Lavoisier's chemistry. Politics is more involved once big money is required.
Derrida says that all truth-talk is merely metaphor [Derrida, by Engel]
     Full Idea: Derrida's view is that every discourse is metaphorical, and there is no difference between truth-talk and metaphor.
     From: report of Jacques Derrida (works [1990]) by Pascal Engel - Truth §2.5
     A reaction: Right. Note that this is a Frenchman's summary. How would one define metaphor, without mentioning that it is parasitic on truth? Certainly some language tries to be metaphor, and other language tries not to be.
True thoughts are inaccessible, in the subconscious, prior to speech or writing [Derrida]
     Full Idea: 'True' thoughts are inaccessible, buried in the subconscious, long before they get to speech or writing.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
     A reaction: [My reading of some Derrida produced no quotations. I've read two commentaries, which were obscure. The Derrida ideas in this db are my simplistic tertiary summaries. Experts can chuckle over my failure]
Rorty seems to view truth as simply being able to hold one's view against all comers [Rorty, by O'Grady]
     Full Idea: Rorty seems to view truth as simply being able to hold one's view against all comers.
     From: report of Richard Rorty (Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature [1980]) by Paul O'Grady - Relativism Ch.4
     A reaction: This may be a caricature of Rorty, but he certainly seems to be in the business of denying truth as much as possible. This strikes me as the essence of pragmatism, and as a kind of philosophical nihilism.
In the early 1930s many philosophers thought truth was not scientific [Field,H]
     Full Idea: In the early 1930s many philosophers believed that the notion of truth could not be incorporated into a scientific conception of the world.
     From: Hartry Field (Tarski's Theory of Truth [1972], §3)
     A reaction: This leads on to an account of why Tarski's formal version was so important, and Field emphasises Tarski's physicalist metaphysic.