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7. Existence / D. Theories of Reality / 11. Ontological Commitment / b. Commitment of quantifiers

[ontological commitment of 'all' or 'some']

9 ideas
It is currently held that quantifying over something implies belief in its existence [Ayer]
     Full Idea: It is currently held that we are committed to a belief in the existence of anything over which we quantify.
     From: A.J. Ayer (The Central Questions of Philosophy [1973], IX.C)
We can use quantification for commitment to unnameable things like the real numbers [Quine]
     Full Idea: Through our variables of quantification we are quite capable of committing ourselves to entities which cannot be named individually at all in the resources of our language; witness the real numbers.
     From: Willard Quine (On Carnap's Views on Ontology [1951], p.205)
     A reaction: The real numbers are uncountable, and thus cannot all be named. This is quite an impressive point. I've always had doubts about the existence of real numbers, on the grounds that they could never all be named.
Existence is implied by the quantifiers, not by the constants [Quine]
     Full Idea: In the quantification '(∃)(x=a)', it is the existential quantifier, not the 'a' itself, which carries the existential import.
     From: Willard Quine (Existence and Quantification [1966], p.94)
     A reaction: The Fregean idea seems to be that the criterion of existence is participation in an equality, but here the equality seems not more than assigning a name. Why can't I quantify over 'sakes', in 'for the sake of the children'?
To be is to be the value of a variable, which amounts to being in the range of reference of a pronoun [Quine]
     Full Idea: To be assumed as an entity is to be reckoned as the value of a variable. This amounts roughly to saying that to be is to be in the range of reference of a pronoun.
     From: Willard Quine (On What There Is [1948], p.13)
     A reaction: Cf. Idea 7784.
"No entity without identity" - our ontology must contain items with settled identity conditions [Quine, by Melia]
     Full Idea: Quine's well-known slogan "no entity without identity" means that no object should be admitted into our ontology unless its identity conditions, the conditions that say which object it is, have been settled.
     From: report of Willard Quine (Speaking of Objects [1960]) by Joseph Melia - Modality Ch.4
     A reaction: This invites science fiction scenarios, where we admit the existence of something before we have a clue what it is (whether it is physical, hallucination, divine..). Quine's slogan seems attractive but optimistic. How 'settled'?
First- and second-order quantifiers are two ways of referring to the same things [Boolos]
     Full Idea: Ontological commitment is carried by first-order quantifiers; a second-order quantifier needn't be taken to be a first-order quantifier in disguise, having special items, collections, as its range. They are two ways of referring to the same things.
     From: George Boolos (To be is to be the value of a variable.. [1984], p.72)
     A reaction: If second-order quantifiers are just a way of referring, then we can see first-order quantifiers that way too, so we could deny 'objects'.
Singular terms in true sentences must refer to objects; there is no further question about their existence [Wright,C]
     Full Idea: When a class of terms functions as singular terms, and the sentences are true, then those terms genuinely refer. Being singular terms, their reference is to objects. There is no further question whether they really refer, and there are such objects.
     From: Crispin Wright (Frege's Concept of Numbers as Objects [1983], 1.iii)
     A reaction: This seems to be a key sentence, because this whole view is standardly called 'platonic', but it certainly isn't platonism as we know it, Jim. Ontology has become an entirely linguistic matter, but do we then have 'sakes' and 'whereaboutses'?
Ontological claims are often universal, and not a matter of existential quantification [Fine,K]
     Full Idea: I suggest we give up on the account of ontological claims in terms of existential quantification. The commitment to the integers is not an existential but a universal commitment, to each of the integers, not to some integer or other.
     From: Kit Fine (The Question of Ontology [2009], p.167)
     A reaction: In classical logic it is only the existential quantifier which requires the domain to be populated, so Fine is more or less giving up on classical logic as a tool for doing ontology (apparently?).
If objectual quantifiers ontologically commit, so does the metalanguage for its semantics [Azzouni]
     Full Idea: The argument that objectual quantifiers are ontologically committing has the crucial and unnoticed presupposition that the language in which the semantics for the objectual quantifiers is couched (the 'metalanguage') also has quantifiers with commitment.
     From: Jody Azzouni (Deflating Existential Consequence [2004], Ch.3)
     A reaction: That is, presumably we find ourselves ontologically committed to the existence of quantifiers, and are also looking at an infinite regress. See Idea 12439.