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24. Political Theory / C. Ruling a State / 4. Changing the State / a. Centralisation

[increasing control by a dominant group]

5 ideas
In Europe it is thought that local government is best handled centrally [Tocqueville]
     Full Idea: The partisans of centralisation in Europe are wont to maintain that the government can administer the affairs of each locality better than the citizens can do it for themselves.
     From: Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America (abr Renshaw) [1840], 1.04)
     A reaction: In the modern UK we have lots of local government, which is thoroughly starved of funds by the central government. He is contrasting it with the strong local system in the U.S.
The upholding of the military state is needed to maintain the strong human type [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: The upholding of the military state is the ultimate means to either adopt or keep hold of the great tradition respecting the highest human type, the strong type.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Writings from Late Notebooks [1887], 11[407])
     A reaction: I do find this kind of thing disappointing, after Nietzsche's wonderful deconstruction of traditional value systems. Is a killing field the only place where human strength can be exhibited? What's the point of human strength if it is displayed in killing?
No central authority can initiate decentralisation [Weil]
     Full Idea: It is quite patently impossible for decentralisation to be initiated by the central authority.
     From: Simone Weil (Reflections on Liberty and Social Oppression [1934], p.113)
     A reaction: This is contradicted by the creation of regional parliaments and mayors, but we see nothing beyond that. A state could crumble into small parts if there were'lots of autonomous regional groups. Easier for weird minorities to take control.
Power is localised, so we either have totalitarian centralisation, or local politics [Foucault, by Gutting]
     Full Idea: Foucault's analysis suggests that meaningful revolution, hence genuine liberation, is impossible: the only alternative to the modern net of micro-centres of power is totalitatian domination. Hence his politics, even when revolutionary, is always local.
     From: report of Michel Foucault (Discipline and Punish [1977]) by Gary Gutting - Foucault: a very short introduction 8
     A reaction: It is hard to disagree with this.
Big central government only exists as a focus for anger - not to act [Fisher]
     Full Idea: The specter of big government is there to be blamed precisely for its failure to act as a centralising power, the anger directed at it much like the fury Thomas Hardy supposedly spat at God for not existing.
     From: Mark Fisher (Capitalist Realism [2009], 8)
     A reaction: The point is that the power resides with the leaders of capitalism, and central government is largely a side-show. Sounds somewhat true, and the politicians are largely unaware of their role.