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22. Metaethics / A. Ethics Foundations / 2. Source of Ethics / g. Will to power

[morality deriving from psychological drives]

8 ideas
Moral rules are made by the weak members of humanity [Plato]
     Full Idea: Callicles: It's the weaklings who constitute the majority of the human race who make the rules.
     From: Plato (Gorgias [c.387 BCE], 483b)
     A reaction: An aristocrat bemoans democracy. Presumably the qualification for being a 'weakling' is shortage of money. How strong are the scions of the aristocrats?
The self is, apart from outward behaviour, a drive in your nature [Fichte]
     Full Idea: This 'you' for which you show such a lively interest is, so far as it is not overt behaviour, at least a drive in your own peculiar nature.
     From: Johann Fichte (The Vocation of Man [1800], 1)
     A reaction: I assume this use of 'drive' is the origin of Nietzsche's picture of such things, focused on the basic will to power. I like Fichte's emphasis on active forces as the basis of nature.
Ultimately, all being is willing. The nature of primal being is the same as the nature of willing [Schelling]
     Full Idea: In the last and highest instance there is no other being but willing. Willing is primal being, and all the predicates of primal being only fit willing: groundlessness, eternity, being independent of time, self-affirmation.
     From: Friedrich Schelling (On the Essence of Human Freedom [1809], I.7.350), quoted by Andrew Bowie - Introduction to German Philosophy 5 'Reason'
     A reaction: Insofar as this says that 'primal being' must be active in character, I love this idea. Not the rest of the idea though! Bowie says this essay clearly influenced Schopenhauer. It looks as if Nietzsche must be read it too.
A morality ranks human drives and actions, for the sake of the herd, and subordinating individuals [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: Whenever we encounter a morality we find an estimation and order of rank of human drives and actions. These are always the expression of the needs of a community and herd. The individual is valued only as a function of the herd.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (The Gay (Joyful) Science [1882], §116)
     A reaction: A particularly clear summary of Nietzsche's understanding of modern morality (which he rejects). I tend to see values as what is important, but Nietzsche sees them as a ranking. Could be both. I see the individualism here as existentialist.
All animals strive for the ideal conditions to express their power, and hate any hindrances [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: Every animal instinctively strives for an optimum of favourable conditions under which it can expend all its strength and achieve its maximal feeling of power; every animal abhors ...every hindrance that obstructs this path to the optimum.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (On the Genealogy of Morals [1887], III.§07)
     A reaction: This became the lynchpin of Nietzsche's account of the source of values. It is a highly naturalistic view, fitting it into evolutionary theory (thought running deeper than that), so I have a lot of sympathy with the view.
There is a conspiracy (a will to power) to make morality dominate other values, like knowledge and art [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: Whose will to power is morality? - Since Socrates there has been a sustained attempt to make moral values dominate over other values, so that they guide living, but also knowledge, the arts, and political and social endeavour.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (The Will to Power (notebooks) [1888], §274)
     A reaction: Is the 'will to power' really an explanation? If all human activity is the will to power, then you have to explain the difference between activities. Genocide and altruism are strikingly different manifestations of the will to power.
The basic tendency of the weak has always been to pull down the strong, using morality [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: The basic tendency of the weak and mediocre of all ages is to weaken and pull down the stronger: chief means, the moral judgement.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (The Will to Power (notebooks) [1888], §345)
     A reaction: Obviously this contains some truth. Morality is a vast trade union movement by means of which the weak seek power and security. And good luck to them, I say. Why is mass power any worse than aristocratic or oligarchic power?
The 'will to power' is basically applied to drives and forces, not to people [Nietzsche, by Richardson]
     Full Idea: 'Will to power' is most basically applied not to people but to 'drives' or 'forces', simpler units which Nietzsche sometimes calls 'points' and 'power quanta'.
     From: report of Friedrich Nietzsche (Works (refs to 8 vol Colli and Montinari) [1885], 1) by John Richardson - Nietzsche's System 1
     A reaction: This strikes as a correct account of Nietzsche, and a hugely important interpretative point. He wasn't saying that all human beings would conquer the world if they could. The point is there are many conflicting and combining wills to power.