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27. Natural Reality / B. Modern Physics / 4. Standard Model / b. Standard model

[main principles of the standard physics model]

11 ideas
The standard model combines theories of strong interaction, and electromagnetic and weak interaction [Martin,BR]
     Full Idea: As presently formulated, the standard model is two theories. One operates in the sector of strong interaction, and the other in the sector of the electromagnetic and weak interactions.
     From: Brian R. Martin (Particle Physics [2011], 01)
     A reaction: The first is Quantum Chomodynamics (QCD). The second is Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). Interesting that the weak interaction is included in the latter, which (I take it) means there is an electro-weak union. Interactions are the heart of the model.
The current standard model requires 61 particles [Baggott]
     Full Idea: The current model requires 61 particles: three generations of two leptons and two flavours of quark, in three different colours (making 24); the anti-particles of all of these (48); 12 force particles (photon, W1, Z0, 8 gluons), and a Higgs boson.
     From: Jim Baggott (Farewell to Reality: fairytale physics [2013], 6 n)
Three particles enable the weak force: W+ and W- are charged, and Z° is not [New Sci.]
     Full Idea: The quantum field theory of the weak force needs three carrier particles. The W+ and W- are electrically charged, and enable the weak force to change the charge of a particle. The Z° is uncharged, and mediates weak interactions with no charge change.
     From: New Scientist writers (Why the Universe Exists [2017], 02)
The four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong) are the effects of particles [New Sci.]
     Full Idea: There are four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear forces. Particle physics has so far failed to encompass the force of gravity. The forces that shape our world are themselves the effect of particles.
     From: New Scientist writers (Why the Universe Exists [2017], 02)
     A reaction: Philosophers must take note of the fact that forces are the effects of particles. Common sense pictures forces imposed on particles, like throwing a tennis ball, but the particles are actually the sources of force. The gravitino is speculative.
The weak force explains beta decay, and the change of type by quarks and leptons [New Sci.]
     Full Idea: The beta decay of the neutron (into a proton, an electron and an antineutrino) can be described in terms of the weak force, which is 10,000 times weaker than the strong force. It allows the quarks and leptons to change from one type to another.
     From: New Scientist writers (Why the Universe Exists [2017], 02)
     A reaction: This seems to make it the key source of radioactivity. Perhaps it should be called the Force of Change?
The weak force particles are heavy, so the force has a short range [New Sci.]
     Full Idea: The W and Z particles are heavy, and so cannot travel far from their parents. The weak force therefore has a very short range.
     From: New Scientist writers (Why the Universe Exists [2017], 02)
Why do the charges of the very different proton and electron perfectly match up? [New Sci.]
     Full Idea: Why do the proton and electron charges mirror each other so perfectly when they are such different particles?
     From: New Scientist writers (Why the Universe Exists [2017], 04)
     A reaction: We seem to have reached a common stage in science, where we have a wonderful descriptive model (the Standard Model), but we cannot explain why what is modelled is the way it is.
The Standard Model cannot explain dark energy, survival of matter, gravity, or force strength [New Sci.]
     Full Idea: The standard model cannot explain dark matter, or dark energy (which is causing expansion to accelerate). It cannot explain how matter survived annihilation with anti-matter in the Big Bang, or explain gravity. The strength of each force is unexplained.
     From: New Scientist writers (Why the Universe Exists [2017], 06)
     A reaction: [compressed] P.141 adds that the model has to be manipulated to keep the Higgs mass low enough.
The Standard Model omits gravity, because there are no particles involved [Hesketh]
     Full Idea: Gravity is not included in the Standard Model because we simply cannot study it using particles.
     From: Gavin Hesketh (The Particle Zoo [2016], 09)
     A reaction: I'm guessing that Einstein describes how gravity behaves, but not what it is.
In Supersymmetry the Standard Model simplifies at high energies [Hesketh]
     Full Idea: Supersymmetry suggest that the Standard Model becomes much simpler at high energies.
     From: Gavin Hesketh (The Particle Zoo [2016], 10)
Standard Model forces are one- two- and three-dimensional [Hesketh]
     Full Idea: The forces in the Standard Model are built on gauge symmetries, with a one-dimensional charge (like electromagnetism), a two-dimensional charge (the weak force), and a three dimensional charge (the strong force).
     From: Gavin Hesketh (The Particle Zoo [2016], 10)
     A reaction: See also Idea 21185.