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23. Ethics / C. Virtue Theory / 2. Elements of Virtue Theory / j. Unity of virtue

[all virtues are variants of a single thing]

19 ideas
Socrates believed that basically there is only one virtue, the power of right judgement [Socrates, by Williams,B]
     Full Idea: Socrates believed that basically there is only one virtue, the power of right judgement.
     From: report of Socrates (reports of career [c.420 BCE]) by Bernard Williams - Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy Ch.1
     A reaction: Which links with Aristotle's high place for 'phronesis' (prudence?). The essence of Socrates' intellectualism. Robots and saints make very different judgements, though.
The Guardians must aim to discover the common element in the four cardinal virtues [Plato]
     Full Idea: The guardians of the state should aim to get an exact idea of the common element in all the four virtues.
     From: Plato (The Laws [c.348 BCE], 965d)
Even if virtues are many and various, they must have something in common to make them virtues [Plato]
     Full Idea: Even if virtues are many and various, at least they all have some common character which makes them all virtues.
     From: Plato (Meno [c.385 BCE], 72c)
How can you know part of virtue without knowing the whole? [Plato]
     Full Idea: Does anyone know what a part of virtue is without knowing the whole?
     From: Plato (Meno [c.385 BCE], 79c)
True goodness requires mental unity and harmony [Plato]
     Full Idea: True goodness requires mental unity and harmony.
     From: Plato (The Republic [c.374 BCE], 554e)
Nowadays we (unlike Aristotle) seem agreed that someone can have one virtue but lack others [Williams,B on Aristotle]
     Full Idea: We accept, indeed regard as a platitude, an idea that Aristotle rejected, that someone can have one virtue while lacking others.
     From: comment on Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics [c.334 BCE]) by Bernard Williams - Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy Ch.3
     A reaction: Probably because we don't think as hard about it as Aristotle did. What are the prerequisites of even a single virtue? Distinguish a true virtue from an accidental good quality.
Greatness of soul produces all the virtues - and vice versa [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: All the virtues will follow along with greatness of soul, or it will follow along with all of them
     From: Aristotle (Eudemian Ethics [c.333 BCE], 1232a36)
     A reaction: This is obviously similar in some respects to Nietzsche's 'higher' man, though that suggests greater independence, rather than being an ideal citizen.
Virtue is always moderate, so excess need not be feared [Seneca]
     Full Idea: In the case of virtue excess should not be feared, since in virtue resides moderation.
     From: Seneca the Younger (On the Happy Life [c.60], §13)
     A reaction: This seems to imply that all of the virtues are unified in the one achievement of the virtuous state. It leaves the notion of 'virtue' a bit thin in content, though.
Varied aims cannot be good because they differ, but only become good when they unify [Boethius]
     Full Idea: The various things that men pursue are not perfect and good, because they differ from one another; ..when they differ they are not good, but when they begin to be one they become good, so it is through the acquisition of unity that these things are good.
     From: Boethius (The Consolations of Philosophy [c.520], III.XI)
     A reaction: This is a criticism of Aristotle's pluralism about the good(s) for man. Boethius' thought is appealing, and ties in with the Socratic notion that the virtues might be unified in some way. I think it is right that true virtues merge together, ideally.
A man ignorant of himself is ignorant of all of the virtues [Spinoza]
     Full Idea: The man who is ignorant of himself is ignorant of the foundation of all the virtues, and consequently is ignorant of all the virtues.
     From: Baruch de Spinoza (The Ethics [1675], IV Pr 56)
     A reaction: This would appeal to Aristotle, for whom the social virtues are an aspect of one's own character, and not a calculation made about externals.
There is one principle of virtues; the virtues are distinguished by their objects [Kant]
     Full Idea: To think of several virtues (as one unavoidably does) is nothing other than to think of the various moral objects to which the will is led by the one principle of virtue.
     From: Immanuel Kant (Metaphysics of Morals II:Doctrine of Virtue [1797], 406 Intro XIII)
     A reaction: So Kant commits to the Greek ideal of the unity of virtue - but not for Greek reasons. The unity of duty is what concerns Kant.
You should not want too many virtues; one is enough [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: You should not want to have too many virtues. One virtue is already a lot of virtue.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Unpublished Notebooks 1881-82 [1882], 5[18])
     A reaction: A typically challenging thought from the great maverick of philosophy. Which virtue would you choose? Do some virtues entail further virtues?
Moral reflection and experience gradually reveals unity in the moral world [Murdoch]
     Full Idea: Reflection rightly tends to unify the moral world, and increasing moral sophistication reveals increasing unity.
     From: Iris Murdoch (The Sovereignty of Good [1970], II)
     A reaction: As an example she suggests asking what is the best type of courage. Connections to other virtues will emerge. That is a persuasive example. We all have strong views on what type of courage is the most admirable.
Only trivial virtues can be possessed on their own [Murdoch]
     Full Idea: It would be impossible to have only one virtue, unless it were a very trivial one such as thrift.
     From: Iris Murdoch (The Sovereignty of Good [1970], III)
     A reaction: A nicely nuanced commitment to the unity of virtue. You might exhibit courage alone in a brute animal way, but the sort of courage we all admire is part of more extended virtues.
Maybe virtues conflict with each other, if some virtue needs a vice for its achievement [Foot]
     Full Idea: Maybe so far from forming a unity ...., the virtues actually conflict with each other: that is, if someone has one of them he inevitably fails to have some other. ...Maybe he a man can only be good in one way be being bad in another.
     From: Philippa Foot (Moral Realism and Moral Dilemma [1983], p.57)
     A reaction: She suggests the self-loathing needed to rein in evil desires. She cites Nietzsche having a similar thought. Presumably the ideal virtuous person has no such conflicts, and the self-loathing undermines eudaimonia. Unity in theory but not in practice?
We need phronesis to coordinate our virtues [Zagzebski]
     Full Idea: We need phronesis (practical wisdom) to coordinate the various virtues into a single line of action or line of thought leading up to an act or to a belief.
     From: Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski (Virtues of the Mind [1996], II 5.2)
     A reaction: If I have a conflicting virtue and vice in a single situation, something must make sure that the virtue dominates. That sounds more like Kant's 'good will' than like phronesis.
Maybe in a deeply poisoned character none of their milder character traits could ever be a virtue [Hursthouse]
     Full Idea: I am prepare to stick my neck out and say that extreme Nazis or racists (say) have poisoned characters to such an extent that none of their character traits could ever count as a virtue.
     From: Rosalind Hursthouse (On Virtue Ethics [1999], Ch.7)
     A reaction: Hard to justify, but it is hard to respect a mass murderer because they seem to love their dog or the beauty of music or flowers. They can't possibly appreciate the Platonic Form of love or beauty?
We are puzzled by a person who can show an exceptional virtue and also behave very badly [Hursthouse]
     Full Idea: That we have some intuitive belief in the unity of the virtues is shown by our reaction to stories of a person who has shown an exceptional virtue, but also done something morally repellent.
     From: Rosalind Hursthouse (On Virtue Ethics [1999], Ch.7)
     A reaction: A nice observation, but not enough to establish the unity of virtue. People tend to love all virtue, but it is not obviously impossible to love selected virtues and despise others (e.g. love courage, and despise charity).
Being unusually virtuous in some areas may entail being less virtuous in others [Hursthouse]
     Full Idea: It may well be that being particularly well endowed with respect to some virtues inevitably involves being not very well endowed in others.
     From: Rosalind Hursthouse (On Virtue Ethics [1999], Ch.9)
     A reaction: Maybe, but this sound a bit like an excuse. Newton wasn't very nice, but Einstein was. I can't believe in a finite reservoir of virtue.