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17. Mind and Body / D. Property Dualism / 2. Anomalous Monism

[mind is a causal oddity in a physical world]

13 ideas
Mind is outside science, because it is humanistic and partly normative [Davidson, by Lycan]
     Full Idea: For Davidson, mental types are individuated by considerations that are nonscientific, distinctly humanistic, and part normative, so will not coincide with any types that are designated in scientific terms.
     From: report of Donald Davidson (Mental Events [1970]) by William Lycan - Introduction - Ontology p.8
     A reaction: I just don't believe this, mainly because I don't accept that there is a category called 'nonscientific'. All we are saying is that a brain is a hugely complicated object, and we don't properly understand its operations, though we relate to it very well.
Anomalous monism says causes are events, so the mental and physical are identical, without identical properties [Davidson, by Crane]
     Full Idea: Davidson's anomalous monism says that events are causes, so we can identify mental and physical events without having to identify their properties.
     From: report of Donald Davidson (Mental Events [1970]) by Tim Crane - Elements of Mind 2.18
     A reaction: As Fodor insists, a thing like a mountain has properties at different levels of description. We can have 'property dualism' and full-blown reductive identity.
If rule-following and reason are 'anomalies', does that make reductionism impossible? [Davidson, by Kim]
     Full Idea: Davidson takes mental anomalism (that the mind exhibits normativity and rationality), and in particular his claim that there are no laws connecting mental and physical properties, to undermine mind-body reductionism.
     From: report of Donald Davidson (Mental Events [1970]) by Jaegwon Kim - Mind in a Physical World §4 p.092
     A reaction: A nice summary of the core idea of property dualism. Personally I expect the whole lot to be reducible, and to follow laws, but the sheer complexity of the brain permanently bars us from actually doing the reduction.
Davidson claims that mental must be physical, to make mental causation possible [Davidson, by Kim]
     Full Idea: Davidson's thesis is that if mental events of a particular kind cause physical events of a particular kind, and the two kinds are connected by a law, then they must both be physical kinds.
     From: report of Donald Davidson (Mental Events [1970]) by Jaegwon Kim - Philosophy of Mind p.137
     A reaction: Davidson would pretty obviously be right. The whole problem here is the idea of a 'law'. You can only have strict law for simple entities, like particles and natural kinds. The brain is a mess, like weather or explosions.
Anomalous monism says nothing at all about the relationship between mental and physical [Davidson, by Kim]
     Full Idea: Davidson's anomalous monism says no more about the relationship between the mental and the physical than the claim that all objects with a colour have a shape says about the relationship between colours and shapes.
     From: report of Donald Davidson (Mental Events [1970]) by Jaegwon Kim - Mind in a Physical World §1 p.005
     A reaction: Indeed, I find the enthusiasm for property dualism etc. quite baffling, given that we are merely told that mind is 'an anomaly'. I take it to be old fashioned dualism in trendy clothes.
Obviously all mental events are causally related to physical events [Davidson]
     Full Idea: All mental events are causally related to physical events. ..This seems obvious.
     From: Donald Davidson (Davidson on himself [1994], p.231)
     A reaction: All mental events are physically caused. Some bodily physical events result from mental events. Probably all mental events have some effect of other mental events (all of which are in some sense physical).
Mental entities do not add to the physical furniture of the world [Davidson]
     Full Idea: Mental entities do not add to the physical furniture of the world.
     From: Donald Davidson (Davidson on himself [1994], p.231)
     A reaction: This seems to me clearly true, however we propose to characterise mental events.
There are no strict psychophysical laws connecting mental and physical events [Davidson]
     Full Idea: There are no strict psychophysical laws (that is, laws connecting mental events under their mental descriptions with physical events under their physical descriptions).
     From: Donald Davidson (Davidson on himself [1994], p.231)
     A reaction: This is clearly open to question. It may be just that no human mind could ever grasp such laws, given their probable complexity.
Contrary to the 'anomalous monist' view, there may well be intentional causal laws [Fodor]
     Full Idea: I argue that (contrary to the doctrine called "anomalous monism") there is no good reason to doubt that there are intentional causal laws.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (Making Mind Matter More [1989], p.151)
     A reaction: I certainly can't see a good argument, in Davidson or anywhere else, to demonstrate their impossibility. Give the complexity of the brain, they would be like the 'laws' for weather or geology.
If causes are basic particulars, this doesn't make conscious and physical properties identical [Papineau]
     Full Idea: If causes are basic particulars, then the causal argument won't carry you to the identity of conscious and physical properties, since this only requires them to be instantiated in the same particular, not that the properties are themselves identical.
     From: David Papineau (Thinking about Consciousness [2002], 1.3)
     A reaction: [See Idea 7857; Papineau is rejecting the Davidson view] This explains how Davidson reaches a token-token identity view. Can two events occur in the same particular at the same moment? Depends what you mean by a 'particular'.
There are many psychophysicals laws - about the effects of sweets, colours and soft cushions [Mellor/Crane]
     Full Idea: There are many psychophysical laws, linking sensations to non-mental features of those who have them; the industries of anaesthetics, scents, narcotics, sweeteners, coloured paints, loudspeakers and soft cushions depend on them.
     From: DH Mellor / T Crane (There is no question of physicalism [1990], p.198)
     A reaction: It may be expressing it a little strongly to call these 'laws', but they are certainly reliable regularities, and they are probably enough to undermine Davidson's claim that such laws don't exist.
Cars and bodies obey principles of causation, without us knowing any 'strict laws' about them [Flanagan]
     Full Idea: Although everyone thinks cars and bodies obey the principles of causation, no one thinks it a deficiency that we don't know strict laws of automechanics or anatomy.
     From: Owen Flanagan (The Problem of the Soul [2002], p. 65)
     A reaction: This attacks Davidson's claim that there are no strict psycho-physical laws, and I agree with Flanagan. Huge dreams of free will and human dignity are being pinned on the flimsy point that we have no strict laws here. But brains are very complicated.
Denial of purely mental causation will lead to epiphenomenalism [Maslin]
     Full Idea: If mental events are causally efficacious only by virtue of their physical features and not their mental ones, …then anomalous monism leads straight to ephiphenomenalism.
     From: Keith T. Maslin (Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind [2001], 7.6)
     A reaction: As epiphenomenalism strikes me as being incoherent (see Idea 7379), what this amounts to is that either mental effects are causally efficacious, or they are not worth mentioning. I take them to be causally efficacious because they are brain events.