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28. God / C. Attitudes to God / 5. Atheism

[denial of the existence of any gods]

35 ideas
Homer so enjoys the company of the gods that he must have been deeply irreligious [Homer, by Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: Homer is so at home among his gods, and takes such delight in them as a poet, that he surely must have been deeply irreligious.
     From: report of Homer (The Iliad [c.850 BCE]) by Friedrich Nietzsche - Human, All Too Human 125
     A reaction: Blake made a similar remark about where the true allegiance of Milton lay in 'Paradise Lost'.
Mortals believe gods are born, and have voices and clothes just like mortals [Xenophanes]
     Full Idea: Mortals believe the gods to be created by birth, and to have raiment, voice and body like mortals'.
     From: Xenophanes (fragments/reports [c.530 BCE], B14), quoted by Clement - Miscellanies 5.109.2
Ethiopian gods have black hair, and Thracian gods have red hair [Xenophanes]
     Full Idea: Ethiopians have gods with snub noses and black hair, Thracians have gods with grey eyes and red hair.
     From: Xenophanes (fragments/reports [c.530 BCE], B16), quoted by Clement - Miscellanies 7.22.1
Anaxagoras was the first recorded atheist [Anaxagoras, by Watson]
     Full Idea: Anaxagoras was the first recorded atheist.
     From: report of Anaxagoras (fragments/reports [c.460 BCE]) by Peter Watson - Ideas Ch.25
     A reaction: He was a very lively character, right in the middle of the Athenian golden age.
Anaxagoras was charged with impiety for calling the sun a lump of stone [Anaxagoras, by Plutarch]
     Full Idea: Anaxagoras was charged with impiety because he called the sun a lump of stone.
     From: report of Anaxagoras (fragments/reports [c.460 BCE]) by Plutarch - 14: Superstition §9
     A reaction: The point is that he was supposed to say that the sun is a god.
He said he didn't know whether there are gods - but this is the same as atheism [Diogenes of Oen. on Protagoras]
     Full Idea: He said that he did not know whether there were gods - but this is the same as saying that he knew there were no gods.
     From: comment on Protagoras (fragments/reports [c.441 BCE], A23) by Diogenes (Oen) - Wall inscription 11 Chil 2
Fear of the gods was invented to discourage secret sin [Critias]
     Full Idea: When the laws forbade men to commit open crimes of violence, and they began to do them in secret, a wise and clever man invented fear of the gods for mortals, to frighten the wicked, even if they sin in secret.
     From: Critias (fragments/reports [c.440 BCE], B25), quoted by Sextus Empiricus - Against the Professors (six books) 9.54
Socrates is accused of denying the gods, saying sun is stone and moon is earth [Socrates, by Plato]
     Full Idea: Socrates denies the gods, because he says the sun is stone and the moon is earth.
     From: report of Socrates (reports of last days [c.399 BCE]) by Plato - The Apology 26d
He denied the existence of the gods, saying they are just exaltations of things useful for life [Prodicus]
     Full Idea: He says that the gods worshipped by men neither exist nor have knowledge, but that the ancients exalted crops and everything else which is useful for life.
     From: Prodicus (fragments/reports [c.423 BCE]), quoted by Anon (Herc) - fragments 1428 19.12
The gods are just personified human benefits [Prodicus]
     Full Idea: Things from which benefits to human life have been derived have come to be considered deities, such as Demeter and Dionysus.
     From: Prodicus (fragments/reports [c.423 BCE], B5), quoted by (who?) - where?
If astronomical movements are seen as necessary instead of by divine will, this leads to atheism [Plato]
     Full Idea: If a man studying astronomy sees events apparently happening by necessity rather than being directed by the intention of a benevolent will, he will turn into an atheist.
     From: Plato (The Laws [c.348 BCE], 967a)
There isn't a single reason for positing the existence of immortal beings [Plato]
     Full Idea: There is not a single sound reason for positing the existence of such a being who is immortal
     From: Plato (Phaedrus [c.366 BCE], 246d)
Speusippus said things were governed by some animal force rather than the gods [Speussipus, by Cicero]
     Full Idea: Speusippus, following his uncle Plato, held that all things were governed by some kind of animal force, and tried to eradicate from our minds any notion of the gods.
     From: report of Speussipus (thirty titles (lost) [c.367 BCE]) by M. Tullius Cicero - On the Nature of the Gods ('De natura deorum') I.33
Stilpo said if Athena is a daughter of Zeus, then a statue is only the child of a sculptor, and so is not a god [Stilpo, by Diog. Laertius]
     Full Idea: Stilpo asked a man whether Athena is the daughter of Zeus, and when he said yes, said,"But this statue of Athena by Phidias is the child of Phidias, so it is not a god."
     From: report of Stilpo (fragments/reports [c.330 BCE]) by Diogenes Laertius - Lives of Eminent Philosophers 02.10.5
Some say Epicurus only pretended to believe in the gods, so as not to offend Athenians [Epicurus, by Cicero]
     Full Idea: Some believe that Epicurus gave lip-service only to the gods, so as not to offend the Athenians, but in fact did not believe in them.
     From: report of Epicurus (fragments/reports [c.289 BCE]) by M. Tullius Cicero - On the Nature of the Gods ('De natura deorum') I.84
Why does Jupiter never hurl lightning from a blue sky? [Lucretius]
     Full Idea: Why does Jupiter never hurl his thunderbolt upon the earth and let loose his thunder out of a sky that is wholly blue?
     From: Lucretius (On the Nature of the Universe [c.60 BCE], VI.400)
     A reaction: Nice question! It really doesn't take very much to see through superstition, and the fact that most people believed such things shows how staggeringly uncritical they were in their thinking, until philosophers appeared and taught them how to reason.
Why believe in gods if you have never seen them? [Cicero]
     Full Idea: Did you ever actually see a god? Then why do you believe that gods exist?
     From: M. Tullius Cicero (On the Nature of the Gods ('De natura deorum') [c.44 BCE], I.88)
Absurd superstitions make people atheist, not disharmony in nature [Plutarch]
     Full Idea: Men have never thought the universe godless on the ground of detecting some fault in stars or seasons; is the ridiculous things that superstition does that makes people say it would be better if there were no gods at all.
     From: Plutarch (14: Superstition [c.85], §12)
     A reaction: Not true, I would say. Absurd superstitions do discredit belief in the supernatural, but earthquakes are a disharmony in nature, and a nasty one at that. Nowadays we have other explanations to rival those of religion.
Gods were invented as watchers of people's secret actions [Sext.Empiricus]
     Full Idea: It is asserted that those who first led mankind …invented gods as watchers of all the sinful and righteous acts of men, so that none should dare to do wrong even in secret.
     From: Sextus Empiricus (Against the Physicists (two books) [c.180], I.016)
     A reaction: Sextus is a sceptic about everything, so this scepticism about the gods is nothing special. I'm not sure if this is why the gods were invented, but it seems to be the main role assigned to God by the Christian church, as the basis of religious morality.
An incorporeal God could do nothing, and a bodily god would perish, so there is no God [Sext.Empiricus]
     Full Idea: The Divine is not incorporeal, since that is inanimate and insensitive and incapable of any action; nor is it a body, since that is subject to change and perishable; so the Divine does not exist.
     From: Sextus Empiricus (Against the Physicists (two books) [c.180], I.151)
     A reaction: I find this quite persuasive. An incorporeal God has to be ascribed magical powers in order to interact with what is corporeal. A corporeal God is subject to entropy and all the depredations of the physical world.
Atheism arises from empiricism, because God is intangible [Descartes]
     Full Idea: The existence of God has been doubted by some, because they attributed too much to the perceptions of the senses, and God can be neither seen nor touched.
     From: René Descartes (Preface to 'Principles of Philosophy' [1647], p.180)
Atheism is an atrocious and intolerable crime in any country [Descartes]
     Full Idea: Atheism is the most atrocious crime, and should be tolerated in no republic, however free.
     From: René Descartes (Letters to Voetius [1640], VIIIB:174), quoted by Robert Pasnau - Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671 20.2
In Spinoza, one could substitute 'nature' or 'substance' for the word 'God' throughout [Spinoza, by Stewart,M]
     Full Idea: In Spinoza's 'Ethics' one can substitute the word "Nature" (or "Substance", or even simply an X) for God throughout, and the logic of the argument changes little, if at all.
     From: report of Baruch de Spinoza (The Ethics [1675]) by Matthew Stewart - The Courtier and the Heretic Ch.13
     A reaction: This claim, if correct, is the clearest statement of why we should really consider Spinoza one of the first atheists, despite his endless use of the word 'God'.
Leibniz was closer than Spinoza to atheism [Leibniz, by Stewart,M]
     Full Idea: Leibniz sailed closer to the winds of unbelief than Spinoza did.
     From: report of Gottfried Leibniz (works [1690]) by Matthew Stewart - The Courtier and the Heretic Ch.16
     A reaction: This is an unusual view, but Stewart's view is that whereas Spinoza is always sincere in his writings, Leibniz is inclined to put a very conservative spin on his opinions. A key question for Leibniz is "Is God merely a monad?"
If love, goodness and personality are human, the God who is their source is anthropomorphic [Feuerbach]
     Full Idea: If love, goodness, and personality are human determinations, the being which constitutes their source and ...their presupposition is also an anthropomorphism; so is the existence of God.
     From: Ludwig Feuerbach (Introduction of 'Essence of Christianity' [1841], II)
     A reaction: It is certainly a struggle for the imagination to grasp a being which is characterised by idealised versions of human virtues, and yet has an intrinsic nature which is utterly different from humanity.
I am not an atheist because of reasoning or evidence, but because of instinct [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: I have absolutely no knowledge of atheism as an outcome of reasoning, still less an event: with me it is obvious by instinct.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Ecce Homo [1889], 3.1)
God is dead, and we have killed him [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (The Gay (Joyful) Science [1882], §125)
By denying God we deny human accountability, and thus we redeem the world [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: We deny God; in denying God we deny accountability; only by doing that do we redeem the world.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Twilight of the Idols [1889], 5.8)
Not being a god is insupportable, so there are no gods! [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: If there were gods, how could I endure not to be a god! Therefore there are no gods. ...For what would there to be create if gods - existed!
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Thus Spake Zarathustra [1884], 2.02)
     A reaction: [Zarathustra says this, not Nietzsche!]
I do not believe in a personal God [Einstein]
     Full Idea: I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly.
     From: Albert Einstein (works [1915]), quoted by Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion Ch.1.15
     A reaction: This is an important corrective to those who claim Einstein as religious, on the basis of remarks about God not playing dice etc. See the whole of Dawkins's chapter on Einstein for full discussion.
If theism is non-sensical, then so is atheism. [Ayer]
     Full Idea: If the assertion that there is a god is non-sensical, then the atheist's assertion that there is no god is equally non-sensical.
     From: A.J. Ayer (Language,Truth and Logic [1936], Ch.6)
     A reaction: Ayer urgently needs the concept of 'best explanation'. If we observe only footprints, we infer creatures; if there are no footprints, lack of creatures looks like a good theory. The design argument is perfectly meaningful.
Theism is supposed to make the world more intelligible - and should offer results [Harré/Madden]
     Full Idea: Theism is supposedly a positive view that renders the world more intelligible than its alternatives, and this professed programme requires the production of results.
     From: Harré,R./Madden,E.H. (Causal Powers [1975], 7.VI)
     A reaction: A nice articulation of a view of theism which will make believers wince, because Harré and Madden see it as a scientific theory, intended to explain the world. I'm with them. I see Plato's theory of Forms as a scientific theory.
Atheism is the philosopher's serenity, and philosophy's achievement [Deleuze/Guattari]
     Full Idea: It is amazing that so many philosophers take the death of God as tragic. Atheism is not a drama, but the philosopher's serenity and philosophy's achievement.
     From: G Deleuze / F Guattari (What is Philosophy? [1991], 1.4)
     A reaction: It seems to me that it is the late nineteenth and early twentieth century that feels the death of God as a tragedy. Modern Anglo-American philosophers are mostly pretty serene on the subject, unless, like Dennett, they go on the offensive.
Free atheism should start by questioning its faith in humanity [Gray]
     Full Idea: A free-thinking atheism would begin by questioning the prevailing faith in humanity. But there is little prospect of contemporary atheists giving up their reverence for this phantom.
     From: John Gray (Seven Types of Atheism [2018], Conc)
     A reaction: He seems to be referring to 'humanism', which I take to be quite different from atheism. I take it as obvious that simple atheism is entirely neutral on the question of whether we should have 'faith' in humanity (which presumably mean optimism).
Now that the absolute is unthinkable, even atheism is just another religious belief (though nihilist) [Meillassoux]
     Full Idea: Once the absolute has become unthinkable, even atheism, which also targets God's inexistence in the manner of an absolute, is reduced to a mere belief, and hence to a religion, albeit of the nihilist kind.
     From: Quentin Meillassoux (After Finitude; the necessity of contingency [2006], 2)
     A reaction: An interesting claim. Rather hard to agree or disagree, though the idea that atheism must qualify as a religion seems odd. If it is unqualified it does have the grand quality of a religion, but if it is fallibilist it just seems like an attitude.