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27. Natural Reality / G. Biology / 2. Life

[what distinguishes life, and its value]

21 ideas
What is born has growth, a prime, and a withering away [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: What has been born must have growth, a prime of life, and a time of withering away.
     From: Aristotle (De Anima [c.329 BCE], 434a23)
     A reaction: Modern biologists don't seem much interested in the 'prime of life', but for Aristotle it is crucial, as the fulfilment of a thing's essential nature. Nietzsche would probably agree with Aristotle on this. We dread seeing one period of life as 'superior'.
Plants have far less life than animals, but more life than other corporeal entities [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: The genus of plants, whilst it is devoid of life compared with an animal, is endowed with life as compared with other corporeal entities. In the sea there are certain objects which one would be at a loss to determine whether they be animal or vegetable.
     From: Aristotle (The History of Animals [c.344 BCE], 588b09)
     A reaction: It seems that Aristotle takes life to come in degrees, assessed by the amount of physical vitality observed. This seems to make lambs more alive than sheep, which isn't very plausible. This is part of his 'gradualist' view of nature.
As all life is one, what need is there for words? [Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu)]
     Full Idea: As all life is one, what need is there for words?
     From: Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) (The Book of Chuang Tzu [c.329 BCE], Ch.2)
     A reaction: In a sense this is nonsense, but it has an appeal. I presume that God would not need words, any more than he would need arithmetic. Life is obviously a complex one, with parts which can be discussed.
To regard animals as mere machines may be possible, but seems improbable [Leibniz]
     Full Idea: It seems to me that the opinion of those who transform or degrade the lower animals into mere machines, although it seems possible, is improbable, and even against the order of things.
     From: Gottfried Leibniz (New System and Explanation of New System [1696], p.116)
     A reaction: His target is Descartes. 'Against the order of things' seems to beg the question. What IS the order of things? Only a thorough-going dualist would worry about this question, and that isn't me.
Life is forces conjoined by nutrition, to produce resistance, arrangement and value [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: A multiplicity of forces, conjoined through a common nutritive process, is what we call 'life'. All so-called feeling, representing, thinking is part of this nutritive process to enable resistance to other forces, and arrangement, and an evaluation.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Unpublished Notebooks 1881-82 [1882], 24[14])
     A reaction: [compressed at the end] Since no one else seems able to define life, this is quite a good attempt. Life is certainly a sort of unification of active energies, which than share goals.
Maybe plants are very slow (and sentient) animals, overlooked because we are faster? [Dennett]
     Full Idea: Might plants just be 'very slow animals', enjoying sentience that has been overlooked by us because of our human timescale chauvinism?
     From: Daniel C. Dennett (Kinds of Minds [1996], Ch.3)
     A reaction: Delightful thought, arising from pondering the significance of the speed of operation of the brain. I think it is false, because I think high speed is essential to mind, and Dennett seems not to.
A flame is like a life, but not nearly so well individuated [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: A flame, though it is a self-maintaining event, does not seem to be nearly so well individuated as a life.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 09)
     A reaction: This is to counter the standard problem that if you attempt to define 'life', fire turns out to tick nearly all the same boxes. The concept of 'individuated' often strikes me as unsatisfactory. How does a bonfire fail to be individuated?
A tumour may spread a sort of life, but it is not a life, or an organism [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: A tumour is not an organism (or a parasite) and there is no self-regulating event that is its life. It does not fill one space, but is a locus within which a certain sort of thing is happening: the spreading of a certain sort of (mass-term) life.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 09)
Unlike waves, lives are 'jealous'; it is almost impossible for them to overlap [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: A wave is not a 'jealous' event. Lives, however, are jealous. It cannot be that the activities of the Xs constitute at one and the same time two lives. Only in certain special cases can two lives overlap.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 09)
The chemical reactions in a human life involve about sixteen elements [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: There are sixteen or so chemical elements involved in those chemical reactions that collectively constitute the life of a human being.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 09)
If God were to 'reassemble' my atoms of ten years ago, the result would certainly not be me [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: If God were to 'reassemble' the atoms that composed me ten years ago, the resulting organism would certainly not be me.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 13)
     A reaction: What is obvious to Van Inwagen is not obvious to me. He thinks lives are special. Such examples just leave us bewildered about what counts as 'the same', because our concept of sameness wasn't designed to deal with such cases.
One's mental and other life is centred on the brain, unlike any other part of the body [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: One's life - not simply one's mental life - is centered in the activity of the simples that virtually compose one's brain in a way in which it is not centered in the activity of any of the other simples that compose one.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 15)
     A reaction: This justifies the common view that 'one follows one's brain'. I take that to mean that my brain embodies my essence. I would read 'centered on' as 'explains'.
Being part of an organism's life is a matter of degree, and vague [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: Being caught up in the life of an organism is, like being rich or being tall, a matter of degree, and is in that sense a vague condition.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 17)
     A reaction: Van Inwagen is trying to cover himself, given that he makes a sharp distinction between living organisms, which are unified objects, and everything else, which isn't. There may be a vague centre to a 'life', as well as vague boundaries.
Life is vague at both ends, but could it be totally vague? [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: Individual human lives are infected with vagueness at both ends. ...But could there be a 'borderline life'?
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 18)
     A reaction: Van Inwagen says (p.239) that there may be wholly vague lives, though it would suit his case better if there were not.
At the lower level, life trails off into mere molecular interaction [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: The lives of the lower links of the Great Chain of Being trail off into vague, temporary episodes of molecular interaction.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 18)
     A reaction: His case involves conceding all sorts of vagueness to life, but asserting the utter distinctness of the full blown cases of more elaborate life. I don't really concede the distinction.
Some events are only borderline cases of lives [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: There are events of which it is neither definitely true nor definitely false that those events are lives. I do not see how we can deny this.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 18)
     A reaction: Very frustrating, since this is my main objection to Van Inwagen's distinction between unified lives and mere collections of simples. Some boundaries are real enough, despite their vagueness, and others indicate that there is no real distinction.
From the teleopragmatic perspective, life is largely an informational process [Gulick]
     Full Idea: From the teleopragmatic perspective, life itself is largely an informational process.
     From: Robert van Gulick (Mirror Mirror - Is That All? [2006])
     A reaction: From the cynical perspective a human is just 'blood and foul smell in a bag', but that may not give you whole story. The point here is that the informational view will cover both the genetic and the mental levels of human life. True but unilluminating?
In 1828, the stuff of life was shown to be ordinary chemistry, not a magic gel [Pinker]
     Full Idea: In 1828 Friedrich Wöhler showed [by synthesising urea in the laboratory] that the stuff of life is not a magical, pulsating gel, but ordinary compounds following the laws of chemistry.
     From: Steven Pinker (The Blank Slate [2002], Ch.3)
     A reaction: Wöhler synthesised urea in the laboratory.
In 1828 the animal substance urea was manufactured from inorganic ingredients [Watson]
     Full Idea: In 1828 Wöhler, in an iconic experiment, had manufactured an organic substance, urea, hitherto the product solely of animals, out of inorganic materials, and without any interventions of vital force.
     From: Peter Watson (Convergence [2016], 06 'Inorganic')
     A reaction: For reductionists like me, the gradual explanation of life in inorganic terms is the great role model of explanation. I take it for granted that the human mind will go the same way, despite partisan resistance from a lot of philosophers.
Information is physical, and living can be seen as replicating and preserving information [Watson]
     Full Idea: In passing information, physical changes take place, and information is thus physical. On this account, the act of living can be seen as replicating and preserving the information that a living body is comprised of.
     From: Peter Watson (Convergence [2016], 17 'Dreams')
     A reaction: [He emphasises 'the act' of living, rather than a life]
Life is Movement, Respiration, Sensation, Nutrition, Excretion, Reproduction, Growth (MRS NERG) [PG]
     Full Idea: The biologists' acronym for the necessary conditions of life is MRS NERG: that is, Movement, Respiration, Sensation, Nutrition, Excretion, Reproduction, Growth.
     From: PG (Db (ideas) [2031])
     A reaction: How strictly necessary are each of these is a point for discussion. A notorious problem case is fire, which (at a stretch) may pass all seven tests.