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Single Idea 20042

[catalogued under 20. Action / C. Motives for Action / 3. Acting on Reason / c. Reasons as causes]

Full Idea

Why is he going for a walk? We say 'to be healthy', and having said that we have assigned the cause.

Gist of Idea

We assign the cause of someone's walking when we say why they are doing it


Aristotle (Physics [c.337 BCE], 194b33-5)

A Reaction

Stout gives this as the predecessor of Anscombe's account of intentions. The thought is that the explanation of the act is its purpose. Such teleology is more plausible than the Aristotelian teleology about non-human events.

Book Reference

Aristotle: 'Physics', ed/tr. Waterfield,Robin [OUP 1996], p.39

Related Idea

Idea 20041 Intentional actions are those which are explained by giving the reason for so acting [Anscombe]