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Single Idea 20864

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 1. Nature of Value / f. Ultimate value]

Full Idea

The goal of life is to live in agreement, which is according to experience of the things which happen by nature.

Gist of Idea

Live in agreement, according to experience of natural events


Chrysippus (fragments/reports [c.240 BCE]), quoted by John Stobaeus - Anthology 2.06a

A Reaction

Cleanthes added 'with nature' to Zeno's slogan, and Chyrisppus added this variation. At least it gives you some idea of what the consistent rational principle should be. You still have to assess which aspects of nature should influence us.

Book Reference

'The Stoics Reader', ed/tr. Inwood,B/Gerson,L.P. [Hackett 2008], p.132

Related Idea

Idea 20863 The goal is to 'live in agreement', according to one rational consistent principle [Zeno of Citium, by Stobaeus]