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Single Idea 24214

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / D. Empiricism / 3. Pragmatism]

Full Idea

One might say, with the pragmatists, that all science reduces itself to a process of action on nature, but it is necessary to add the word methodical.

Gist of Idea

Pragmatists are right that science is action on nature - but it must be methodical


Simone Weil (Lect 2: Discovery of Mind [1933], p.111)

A Reaction

This seems to be a sort of hybrid pragmatism, where the required success is not achieved by mere blind trial-and-error - which sounds obvious. Theory is needed - but that too can be explained pragmatically.

Book Reference

Weil,Simone: 'Lectures on Philosophy' [CUP 1978], p.111