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Single Idea 24222

[catalogued under 27. Natural Reality / D. Time / 3. Parts of Time / e. Present moment]

Full Idea

What would be left of our thought if we were to leave out of the account all the thoughts which have to do with the future and the past? Nothing would be left. So what we do possess, the present, is something non-existent.

Gist of Idea

If we ignore all our thoughts of the past and the future, there is nothing left of the present


Simone Weil (Lect 4: Ethics and Aesthetics [1933], p.198)

A Reaction

Yet another paradox of the weirdness of the present moment. For idealists that means the present doesn't exist, so either time is eternal, or non-existent. Or fragmentary, if it only consists of our thoughts.

Book Reference

Weil,Simone: 'Lectures on Philosophy' [CUP 1978], p.198